Wednesday, July 21, 2021

More berries and doctoring

Captains Log July 20 – Bill headed to Medford after breakfast for his foot appointment.  He has 2 hammer toes and this doctor said he could snip the tendon under the toes and put one stitch in each and there was a good chance his toes would flatten out.  

While he was gone I did our loop and A loop.  Once I got a load for the wood pile I went out to dump it and picked more berries.  It took several times around the loops until campers left so I could finish.  I had one left in A that was from Florida in a tent.  He finally got back from wherever and I asked if I could start cleaning his site.  He was very nice and is from Boca Raton area and is staying in Oregon for 2 months to visit with his grandfather.  You meet people from all over! 

This evening since Bill was to elevate his feet, I left after dinner to go back to the berry batch.  I picked enough to put another pound in the freezer and keep a bunch to cook with tomorrow.  I’d freeze more if I had room.  

Nothing exciting today, which is perfectly fine!

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