Thursday, July 1, 2021

Fairly hectic day

Captains Log June 30 – We had to  cover for another  loop today so we ended  up with  30 sites which isn’t bad considering what we will have on  Sunday!  Bill packed up the rest of the outdoor stuff so we can move as soon as possible in the morning.  The lady who’s leaving is by herself in a camper van and she took everything down today and is moving up the valley to another county park.  We expect she will be gone by 9.  This move involves 5 people moving! 

On one of our trips to dump pine cones and unused wood, we witnessed a hawk grabbing a snake and flying up to the tree.  He draped it over a branch and started eating.  2 tiny birds kept bugging him for a taste and he just ignored them or they could have been dessert!

I managed to book 9 nights so far for when we leave here August 1.  I hope to get a couple more places knocked out tomorrow.  I’ll feel better once the rest of the trip is mapped and booked!  Then all I have to do is show up! 

The campground started filling up today so tomorrow night it might be full  and lots of kids all over the place!  Our new spot is a little more secluded and doesn’t back up to a playground!

We grilled a seasoned pork loin tonight before putting the grill away and it turned out very tender and juicy.  Went well with corn on the cob and salad.

 Time to get my book out now and relax a bit!

Just below half way up the tree on
a limb on the left is a hawk,  we watched 
him pick up a snake from the ground and 
it up to this tree and start his lunch. 

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