Silly me, I thought we’d drive
the RV up, he’d take a look and we’d drive back. Good thing Bill had a different viewpoint,
as he drove his truck and I drove the RV and we were right on time. Our tech asked what all we wanted done in
addition to assessing the generator and we had a list. So we headed off to Manchester where we do our real shopping and
I had no idea that it was going to be an all day affair! Poor Bill and Molly stayed in the truck ALL
day and he dropped me off at various stores and the mall. Molly did fine in the back seat and Bill ran
the truck some to cool it off.
I did some Christmas shopping and
some treats from Trader Joe in addition to perusing a few places in the
mall. Since it wasn’t what I had planned
for the day, I really didn’t enjoy it and it was VERY hot today! We stopped at Boston Market for lunch and had
to eat in the truck as we can’t leave Molly in the heat. Poor baby, she was so good and did great!
Bill took me to Wendy’s for a
Frosty as I didn’t care for my lunch and that improved my spirits. The tech called twice about the RV, one was
to tell me they were taking the generator out of the RV since we have to live in it and
they will need to order parts and can access it better out. $$$$
Molly loves being outside |
So we left there at 5 for home and
I lost Bill along the way. We stopped
for me to fill up the RV and he gassed as well, but once I got on the road he
said there were 12 -13 cars before he could get out and then he got a phone
call about his allergy serum that he had to pull over and give his CC info to
get it sent here. So I arrived long
enough before him to start backing in and Doug came over and got me in, then
Rex came and they put the jack pads down to I could level. Then Bill arrived to hook up the electric,
water and sewer.
We had heated up leftovers as we
were both tired puppies when we got back!
And to think, we have to do it again once all the parts come in!!!
And Jude lost his first tooth! |
Our granddaughter, Shiloh (2nd from left) out to celebrate her 12th birthday! |
So glad that they were able to fix the problems. It is always some thing.