Monday, August 3, 2020

😒Last day off!

August 3 - Down to our last day off!    Bill was able to get an appointment with a hearing aid place just west of Hartford, near Mansfield where the real shopping is!  That worked out well as we started our journey by stopping at Best Buy.  I’m trying to find a way for Bill to be able to hear the TV with the AC on.  His hearing aids have Bluetooth but what Best Buy offered was going to be way over what I was willing to spend.  The guy didn’t really seem to know much about that department, so we went across the street to PC Richard, which is a local similar store.  They got me the guy who knows that department and he started with similar options but then decided certain headphones would work.  I left there with Sony headphones with a charging post and sends the sound by signal to the wireless headphones.  It came with 2 sets of wire option to the TV.  He said I could return them if he didn’t like them (Bill wouldn’t go in the store) or they were not compatible with our TV.  There’s only one that we can get to the back of it to work it with, but its in the living area so that’s perfect!

The plan included having lunch at a BBQ place, which are few and far between here.  The one we picked was closed today, drats!  Bill dropped me at the door of JoAnn’s where I managed to get 4 yarns that I needed.  Bill then dropped me (reluctantly) at Hobby Lobby as he needed to head to his appointment.  I told him I could walk to the mall up the hill once I was done.  He thought it was too far.  It was almost a mile!  I had a bottle of water and stopped frequently to rest as half of the way was uphill!  It was good for me, but plays havoc on my lower back! 

So I did my shopping a Penney’s, then headed to Bath and Body Works, which was on my list as well.  Stocked up on what I needed that was on sale then headed to an exit and found a curb to sit on while I waited for Bill.  When I called I had no idea how to tell him where I was except that I was at one side of Macy’s.  I actually saw him at a stop sign and called and told to turn left and then to turn left into the parking and he could see me!

By now we were both starved as it was after 2!  I had walked past a place called Market Fresh.  We ate that location 6 years ago but didn’t remember if that was the name of it.  Well, it was excellent but pricy for lunch.  The portions were huge and I ended up not having any dinner!  I ordered the fried clams appetizer with a spring lettuce salad and Bill had a Market Burger that was 4-5 inches tall with all the stuff on it and a side of fries!  This is the first place we’ve eaten or ordered food that charged a sur-charge of 2.5% Covid adjustment! 

Time to head back home.  We were supposed to go to Wal-mart but I was tired, especially after a big meal, but I said I’d go in the morning before going to work. 

I didn’t eat anything but Bill had a “small plate” around 6 or so.  I hooked his new headphones up to charge as they take 4 hours to fully charge.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to (hear)a little pun there, that Bill will be able to hear better.
