Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Enjoyable day off!

August 19 - It looked to be a beautiful day today!  We started breakfast with a blueberry donut, which was moist and delicious, then we had an omelet and peaches.  Looks like we will have a steady diet of blueberries and peaches for a while!

Bill went for his morning walk with neighbor Pam and I worked on reservations for Williamsburg, VA on our way home.  We are meeting our good friends, Paul and Jean, there for 4 nights.  I know it will be a great time for the 4 of us.  Bill and I love that area and haven’t been in a while and this will be their first time and they are excited about going.

Once I sent Jean the info so she could book her spot near us, Bill and I left for town for our grocery run and a couple other errands.

I had to replace 2 Ink cartridges in my printer this morning so wanted to get the empties to Staples and pick up replacements.  So that was our first stop.  I did pick up a few small items for stocking stuffers so it was worth the stop!

Since we got a late start from working on our trip this morning, it was lunchtime when we
Lunch time!
left!  Bill said he had a place for lunch and I was trying to figure out where on Earth he was taking me!  It dawned on me that we had driven this way to get Molly’s prescription food and passed a place that was packed that day.  It was packed once again!   A sure sign it’s a good place to eat (or it’s really cheap!)  It’s called “The Main Moose” and there is all outdoor seating so you can eat there or get your food to go.  Bill dropped me off to get in the long line while he parked and I was still a ways back when he found me.  They have
Seating along the road
a lot of seafood dishes but I went for the Reuben which came with slaw and fries.  Bill had a cheese-steak sandwich that also had fries and slaw.  It was a huge meal for lunch!  Just as we sat down we could see the huge dark cloud forming.  Then it was a light pitter patter of rain, then the skies opened up and people ran for cover under the exterior of the building!  All of the tables have umbrellas but it depended on the direction of the rain and where you were seated.  I quickly moved to the other side of our square table.  I got as close to the table as I could but poor Bill was getting it, so he left for the shelter in front of the ice cream ordering.  It left as quickly as it arrived but not before getting a lot of folks wet!  I finished my meal at the table and Bill finished his standing up.  That was our excitement for the day!  Very good food, will have to go back!

The rest of the day was rather routine!  We stopped at The Fish Market for some large shrimp to grill on the Barbie, then he dropped me at Aldi while he gassed up the truck at $1.89, then picked me up for our final stop at Wal-mart.  I had a pretty long list today as I’m going to host a ladies evening on the 30th and made my list for that as well.  The plan is to play one game of Left Right Center and then some Nickel Bingo with food in the mix!

Bill had an acupuncture appointment at 5:30 so he left for that around 4:45.  I looked up some campgrounds for our trip home.  As I was getting ready to peel the shrimp and skewer them, Bruce and Sharon called and we had a nice long conversation, catching up and them and us.  We sure miss seeing our friends while we’re gone but lucky to have them!

I planned to microwave some corn and do another side but truthfully, after that huge lunch neither of us was really hungry by the time Bill got back at 7:15.  I went ahead and grilled the skewers using Yoshida marinade sauce and we just had that with corn on the cob!  It was delicious but we only ate 2/3 of the shrimp.  Guess I’ll have it cold tomorrow on a salad for my lunch – lucky me!

Now for a good night’s sleep as we head back in to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is always good, catching up with good friends. We wwill do lunch when you get back in town. Yahooo.
