Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Work work work

July 27 – Back to work today!  We had 10-3, which is a good shift!  Bill went in at 9 due to the excessive heat we were expecting!  It was a very slow day so I was assigned to clean the kitchen.  Tomorrow the campground is being inspected by the health department so everyone has been super cleaning everything!

I started not feeling very good and sat for a while.  By the time I left I was really feeling puny.  I planned a Cornish game hen with stuffing and fresh broccoli.  Well, I managed to cook it between bathroom trips but I wasn’t able to eat anything but continually sipped on ginger ale.  I finally felt up to a small cup of rice pudding.  Guess I’ll have my half of the hen tomorrow night.

July 28 - While I didn’t sleep very well, which is pretty much the norm lately, I felt back to “my” normal this morning.  I had a light breakfast and I attribute my bad day to the lobster that was old or had not been kept properly chilled.  Definitely will not be going back there!

Today was 2 – 7 so I did some housework and paid bills.  I packed a snack.  Bill went it at 9 so he will get off when I go in!  I should have left him a “to do” list!

My day went fine and the campground passed the inspection, so all is well at Charlie Brown campground.  Well, at least it’s clean!!!

It was a boring day for sure.  I didn’t have any check ins.  Laurie did the closing since I’ve not been shown and it takes some time to learn when you only close 1 maybe 2 nights in a week.  So I did what I could to help her and she walked me through the procedure to lock up for the night.

I really enjoyed my hen tonight!  Bill had a leftover brat and hot link.  A bit of TV and reading to finish off the night!

July 29 - Last day of the week, well, for us anyway!  Since they let Bill go in early today, he was able to get an appointment with the acupuncture doctor this afternoon.  My day was super slow – until the last hour!  That happens to me once every week!  I had calls to make reservations, change reservations, transfer reservations.  Lots of computer changes, printing, running credit, refunding credit!  Yikes!  At least Pam was still there having dinner so once they were done she came and helped me finish and she balanced for the day.  I still was 7:30 getting home.

I thought Bill was going to stop on the way home and get carry out and he said there isn’t any place on the way.  So, what’s for dinner?  I made pepperoni quesadillas!  Not your normal quesadillas, but better than cereal. 

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