Friday, July 10, 2020

One step forward and 2 or 3 steps back....

July 10 – Bill went to town this morning after breakfast and after mowing our lot and the 2 beside us.  He left with a list, one being butt connectors.  I have been working on getting a new strip light for the front of the motorhome that went out and I got a price of $82 plus tax and shipping!  Yikes, it’s only 20 inches long.  I got to thinking (yes, I do that on occasion) that I should check under the RV and make sure it was wired in OK.  YES!  It was disconnected at one end so I added the connectors to Bill’s shopping list. 

While he was gone I did laundry, picked up and put away stuff, filed my bills, updated my checkbook, just “stuff”!  When he got back he was not a “happy camper” as he could not find most of the items on our list.  Wal-mart was out of or did not carry them.  At least he got his radishes!!  He did a return and got my connectors are Advanced Auto.

Once he had his lunch we put the butt connector on and tested it and “we have light”!  So that’s one more item off our list of RV issues without costing $82+!!!

The electrician I called came about 3 to see about our partial functioning GFI and the non-functioning under cabinet lights.  In the course of looking for that problem he found we have a leak under Bill’s sink cabinet.  It’s ALWAYS something!  The electrician showed Bill where it is as I was blocked off by us moving the 2 seat couch for him to get to the electrical behind it.  The GFI was put in correctly but apparently is a “bad” one!   It will do its job but the outlets don’t work.  So, now we have to add plumbing to the list I am trying to make shorter!!!  I guess Tuesday I will be calling Winnebago again!  What a bummer!

Since we work the next 3 days I doubt there will be anything exciting to post😧


  1. Glad the electric is fixed. Pretty soon you can open your RV repair shop. LOL

  2. I didn't get the electric fixed, I fixed the water heater leak. HOping the electrician can follow the electric lines on the schematics I emailed him. Waiting to hear from him.
