Sunday, July 19, 2020

Back to the work grind!

July 19 - We were scheduled for 11 – 4 but Steve came around and told the guys on morning shift they could start early since it was going to be a scorcher today!  Bill left an hour early and I went in my regular shift.  The guys were done by 1 except for our male manager who worked closing and parked the RV’s that came in today!

I decided to make Peanut Butter Melts that I was going to submit to the cookie baking contest on Saturday but didn’t.  It make quite a lot and I took a small container it to work for them, bagged 4 to take my neighbors who were off today, put some in the freezer for emergencies and the rest for us as we wanted.  They’re basically a peanut butter cookie but there’s a tad of molasses in them.  Pretty tasty!

It was so hot I really felt like I was back in Florida!  Unless there is a group activity going on it the rec hall they don’t turn the AC on.  The manager has an ac unit in her office and we have one in the check in office but no one seemed to be hot but me so I sucked it up and lived through it.

Not much activity, a few families checked in and lots of ice being sold.  More than wood!!  I think I drove Laurie, the manager, crazy with all the new things that occurred on my shift.  Once things settled down I managed to get several crochet items completed today!  Makes me feel like I accomplish something....
Pavillion where crafting is held.  Family set up an awning
for while they play yard games.

The missing couple from Florida still did not arrived. 

Bill did not feel well at all today so when he got off he napped and rested in the cool of the RV!  He wasn’t feeling up to eating so I had some leftovers. 

Once he was feeling a bit better and had a snack, we watched more Perry Mason!

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