Saturday, July 18, 2020

Christmas in July!

July 18 - Today is Christmas in July at the campground!  There are all kinds of competitions
That's a BIG Santa!
going on:     Cookie baking, site decorating, sports competitions, BINGO and more.  We are off today but I was asked to help by doing a craft project for 12+ this morning.  I went down to the pavilion early to go over the project I was assigned to work with.  My training was a video about 2 minutes long.  I didn’t have a single child show up until 30 minutes after it was supposed to end!  I sat and visited with Linda, who did the first craft and was doing the adult craft after mine.  No one showed up for the adult craft either!

Bill made a run to Wal-mart while I was “working” to get my prescription that I forgot to pick up TWICE!  Well today was my very last pill, so I really needed him to go.  He picked up a couple other items as well.

Resident Santa ready to begin!
It was really pretty nice out today and I put the awning out and sat and read while I consumed some Jack and ginger!  Bill went down to watch the Santa gift giving activity that was this afternoon.  He took some photos as I did this morning and visited with folks.

We finally put our new LED light strip up under the big slide and Bill set it on a pretty set of colors. 

I worked on some crochet projects and making a list of what yarns I want.  It’s so sad to see what little there is in Wal-mart as well as Michael's.  When we go to “town” on our next days off I will see if I get any better
More decorations
luck at JoAnn’s.  I’m in the middle of things I matching yarn for!  Uh!

Bill wasn’t thrilled by any means when he saw the steel head trout for dinner!  Oh well!  I made a broccoli slaw with some craisins in it to make it go down easier, in addition to some fresh cukes and leftover scalloped potatoes.   Senor Rio made an excellent dessert for us of Mexican rice pudding!

Bill has gotten into those old Perry Mason shows so we watched one of those followed by The Saint with Roger Moore.  They were both very young back then!!!

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