Thursday, August 9, 2018

Day 4 of "THE FACE"

August 9 – I’m feeling like a pent up animal!  I’m tired of being inside, I’m tired of itching, I’m
See what I have to wake up to
tired of seeing my fat swollen face!  It’s day 4 and I can’t seem to see much change.  The itching is either better or the new homeopathic pills are doing a better job than the other stuff we’ve tried.    I got Bill up this morning and he went off to work without me.  I don’t mind so much missing the work, but being inside all day is not my cup of tea!

With more blankets and towels to wash with the ivy oil I asked Bill to take a big load to the office laundry and they could wash and dry while he works.  Once the tanks are done this morning I’ll do a load of our actual clothes.  You can’t wear anything but once, due to the ivy oil on it.

I put myself to task a bit by changing a light bulb, making an orange jello pie, trying to clean the toilet valve so it won’t dry out and let gnats in, did a load of laundry, cleaned the littler box, swept the floors, vacuumed the carpet and made a bacon and veggie quiche for dinner.  I even did the dinner dishes which is Bill’s job but he was doing extra duty time today to cover for me.

I put a pile of “stuff” we’d accumulated away in the storage area, boy is it filling up down there!  Some are things we’re taking out of the RV, my unsold toaster oven, wine bottles for my sister or my friend Betsy, books that have been read, and the list goes on!

I called and made reservations for our October camping club outing and looked up some possible spots for us for next summer if we don’t make it to Alaska!  After all that it still leaves a lot of day to fill.

The RV tech is coming at 9 tomorrow to fix the darn night shade, I’m tired of living in a cave!  We’ve added quite a few items to the list while he’s here and today the stupid toilet valve was added.  I took the entire toilet out of the 5th wheel and replaced it and I think replacing an RV toilet is simpler than replacing parts.  You have no where to move around in the bathroom to get to what you need to work on.

Bill commented positively on the quiche and I think it was mostly out of hunger.  We’re having our pie when he gets home tonight.  Not sure what in on the boob tube tonight or if we will just read.  Thought I’d get my computering done before he gets home!

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