Friday, August 17, 2018

8 more work days

August 17 – Neither of us had a very restful night.  My right arm was itchy and Bill said his pill didn’t work well.  But, we got up and out the door at 8 for the bathhouse.  It was clear out but gloomy and you could tell rain was not far behind.  Only 8 more cleaning days!  I opened a couple of windows to air out the RV as well as not use the AC.  It was that cool out. 

By the time we did our regular round it started raining harder so we headed home for a rest.  As soon as the rain lifted we did rounds again and managed to stay out longer.  Bill did some raking while I was on butt pick up duty!  Oh joy!  Wish we were paid by the butt!  It would pay better than collecting cans and bottles.

We stopped again when the rains started and had some lunch until it cleared.  There’s really not a lot to be done.  We did afternoon check and re-swept the showers out, someone used our broom and bent the handle so that’s not going to last long.  Once we completed the circle Bill dropped me of, knowing I really don’t feel too well and he thought he might get some mowing in if it doesn’t start a downpour.

We had pot pies for dinner tonight.  Blueberry shortcake for dessert. 

The weather wasn’t nice the rest of the day but at least the rain stopped.  People didn’t get to go to Michigan Adventures today, so guess they’ll go tomorrow.  Bill did pass duty until 10  and I did my last bathroom check at 10. 

Showering was the best part of the day!

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