Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beautiful day but not for working!

July 29 – Bill left right after breakfast to go get his haircut.  As much as he enjoyed his last cut, it wasn’t cut short enough so he was going to try our boss’s barber but he was on vacation so he found another one.  He loved his haircut.  It was too short in the back for my taste but he loves it.  Says he’s going back to that guy instead of the first guy, shorter hair and better price!

He made a stop at the store also and I finished cutting the vent holes in the dash mat I made for the RV, did a load of laundry, cleaned the floors and when he got back it was time for lunch.  We had to be at work at 12:30 today.

It was a beautiful day out and Bill worked hard again and was pooped by the time 5:30 rolled around.  I was steady in the office and did my weekly dusting and stocking what needed stocked.  Read a bit and Pam came over and we visited and caught up on a couple of odd ball transactions.

I made pizza for dinner.  It was gluten free and good except for using that dumb convection oven!  I just can’t figure out when to push what buttons.  I keep reading the instructions but they don’t seem to be helping.

After dinner we were getting ready to walk down to Ron and Barb’s to give them a key for Thursday and Friday and info on Molly but they walked up instead.  We all sat out and visited until mosquito time and they headed home.  We watched TV and I worked on some scrubbies.  I think I have 10 done.  Not very many considering we’ve been gone 2 months!

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