Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Out and About!

Captains Log September 29 – Nothing on the agenda today until afternoon/evening, so we decided to go take a look at the RV's at La Mesa. We had 2 really nice, low key sales guys take us out on golf carts. Most of the units were as long or longer than what we currently have and we wanted to look at something a little shorter. There was a Tiffin that was a 33' so we checked it out. It could be a possibility if we could change out the bench dinette and get a few other things a little differently done. The downfall is just having one bathroom sink, and a tiny one at that. At least it could be a possibility. We're going to start looking when we get home and of course at the annual show in January in Tampa.

By the time we wrapped that up and got over to where the Wal-mart was, it was time for lunch so we stopped at Brush Fire, where we both got brisket. It was tender and moist but I wish I had told them to put my sauce on the side as it was too much sauce in my opinion.

We got our grocery shopping done and Bill picked up one of his prescriptions but they didn't have the med for the other so that will be when we get to Albuquerque.

Once we put the groceries away we headed to Carole's. The 4 of us visited and then the conversation turned to “who's getting what of Carole's stuff when her time comes”. The one thing Bill wanted, she showed him that she had already put his name on it. She said her daughter in law asked for one piece of furniture and she has her name on that. I don't remember what else has been ”assigned”, but we don't need another thing in our house!!

The plan for the evening was to order carryout to pick up and take to Doug's for dinner. Doug and Shannon had to make a quick trip to Idaho the day before we arrived and were flying back tonight at 7:30. So we ordered the food and picked it up and the 4 of us ate at their house then at 7:00 Nansi left to pick them up at the airport. So Bill, Carole and I just sat at the table and chatted until they got back.

They were sorry that they didn't get to spend more time with us but it is what it is. We visited while they ate and then for another hour. It was great to see them, such good people. They are planning to visit Jeff and Kim in Georgia in the spring so we would plan to drive up in the RV and get a campground near by. Looking forward to it! 

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