Thursday, September 23, 2021

Lunch out and visiting

Captains Log September 23 – Bill left out at 8:30 with Bryan to get some lumber to make pads for under the tires of the RV. Ours were splitting badly and we still have about a month to go!

Later they picked us up to go into Cottonwood for lunch. They took us to the place they last took us where they go often and request a specific table and have the same server all the time. The food was good, as was the service but it was a bit chilly in their for me.

On the way back we stopped at a place we thought did RV repairs to see if they could air up our tires. They can but not on Saturday morning, we'd have to pack up and go today or tomorrow. We saw another place more convenient that I called but they don't do tires and recommended a tire place. I called but got voice mail so Bill went by and said it's closed due to blacktopping their lot. Then we asked one of the staff here at the campground and they said they own a storage facility just up the road and they have a compressor there. He spoke to the lady in charge there and she said any time after 8AM and there's no charge since we're staying in their campground. Yea!

I made meatloaf for dinner which always makes Bill happy. We are meeting Bryan and Janet at 9:30 in the morning to leave for Phoenix to meet up with the rest of the family for Carole's 89th birthday luncheon. Not sure why we have to be there at 11?

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