Captains Log September 16 - Such an awesome day and words cannot describe it. We went
Stairs into the canyon |
to Lower Antelope Canyon on a tour this morning and the photos I'm posting in the blog are only a few of what I took. No photo is the same as another as the slot canyon continually changes with the winds and the water. I posted a lot of photos on you can link to, hope you enjoy them.
Looking up |
With Covid still being tightly monitored on the reservations, we had to mask the whole time as it's tight in the slots and they only allow 6 in a group. There are a lot of stairs to go down but they are very safe ones!
The guide was very good and did a good job of explaining what we saw and how they develop. Unfortunately you can't take your time as there are so many people scheduled for the tours.
Between tours we went out for lunch and had some free time before the afternoon tour of the Upper Canyon Slots. We saw a sign for an overlook at the back of Page so we drove up and they have a nice semi-circle view of the water and mountains on the other side. We took a few photos and sat for a bit, communing with nature!
The afternoon tour was run a little different. We went thru a different agency and you met there in town and were bussed to the Upper Antelope Canyon a bit out of town. There were probably 20 other tour vehicles there. We had about 10 on this group and again had to mask the whole time. We walked a little bit into the canyon and had just as good of a tour as the first one. He explained about a recent flash flood that had come through and told us all about how the tour workers have to come out and shovel out inches of sand that get washed in to the slots. He pointed out several logs that got lodged in over our heads that they just leave if they are securely in place.
Both canyons have had top photographers come in and take photos that made them very rich. Most of the guides know some “tricks” to get very unusual photos. I hope there are some on Bill's phone as he
kept giving the guy his phone and he took several shots of the 3 of us.
It was a full day for sure and gorgeous as well.
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