Thursday, September 26, 2019

Worst day by far....

September 26 – I know I have complained about having bad travel days, but in all the years we have RV’d, today was the worst!  We left by 9 as we had 360 miles to drive to Tucson.  Much of the drive was through the desert, which is boring, then there were miles and miles of road construction, which slowed things, then once we reached Casa Grande and headed south to Tucson, we were hit by a horrible downpour and my phone sounded a tornado warning.  Geez!  The weather cleared and it was smooth driving into Tucson.  Then the horror REALLY began!

We were on I-10 headed to the camp ground.  The coolant icon lit up on the dash.  I told Bill and only seconds later the engine light came on then started flashing so I got off at the next ramp as quickly as I could.  I was in 5 lanes of traffic and the motorhome died 30 feet from the intersection just before 5 pm.  If it weren’t for bad luck we’d have no luck at all.  First, I was very thankful that we made it to Tucson instead of breaking down out in the desert.  Bill stopped a police car and then we think he radioed for highway patrol to come out.  We had our flashers going and I was trying to get someone out to tow us.  What a fiasco!  The highway patrol had Bill unhook the truck and used a strap to tow me through the intersection to the edge of the road where they felt we were safe and out of the worst of the traffic.

I called our RV insurance towing number and they sent someone out 2 hours later.  Then he couldn’t tow us because he didn’t have a large enough truck and was mis-informed by the insurance company.  Then I got back on the phone and they immediately found another company, but the price was more than the allotment, so I was told she had to call everyone on their list for Tucson and if she didn’t fine someone at the stated price she’d call that one back.  I can’t tell you how ticked I was as she never called back,  so I called the company
Damage to the RV
she said could do the tow if no one else could do it for the allotted price and the lady said she’d never heard back but would call in and ask.
  It took her 30 minutes to get an answer and was told there was no one else to do it but her company and she was waiting for approval on the cost.  The bottom line is they were terribly inefficient and so stupid that they asked if the motorhome was a Fifth wheel. That’s the mental level of these people.  The tow truck finally arrived and we got to Lazy Days at 1:30 AM.  He scuffed up the underbelly of the front panel so I will call about that.

I was asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.  My alarm was set for 6:30 (short night) as Bill said the service department opens at 7 and I wanted to be ready to walk over then.