Sunday, June 10, 2018

More lighthouses and a long day...

Harbor Beach Lighthouse

June 10 – We heard the pitter patter of rain again but it stopped by the time we left!  Yippee!  Today’s first stop is Harbor Beach.  No stamp available and the Harbor Beach Lighthouse is way out on a breakwater but my camera was able to get a pretty decent photo. 

Next was on up the coast to Port Hope, home of Point aux Barques Lighthouse.  It’s a very pretty lighthouse and I got
Point aux Barques
my stamp.  I actually had too many places planned for today and Bill got up late so we didn’t make all of the stops.  The roads are along the water and not 4 lanes, so not quick to travel.  We did notice that in all of the towns and along the road where there are houses on both sides, there are lights, not on posts but on a line across the road every so many feet.  We decided it’s because of the deer and not being able to see them.  I had to slow for a deer today and 2 big dogs and we’ve seen a number of dead deer along the roads.

Port Austin Reef Lighthouse, built in 1899, is out on a reef and I got
Port Austin Reef
a photo, not so great but did get my stamp.  We had to skip Saginaw River Range and made it to Tawas Point Lighthouse in East Tawas.  The lighthouse dates to 1876. 
Tawas Point
We were about 15 minutes too late for the last tour of the day but got some nice photos.  Since we were driving the RV towing the truck, we almost got into a pickle in the parking area.  Thankfully a car moved in time for us to leave and another held up to let us get out. 

Our last stop of the day was Sturgeon Point Lighthouse,
Sturgeon Point
constructed in 1869 in Harrisville.  We got to see it but it was closed for sure when we arrived.  It’s in very good condition and the grounds are lovely.  Of course most of the lighthouses come with a great view!

Now to find our campground for the next 2 nights!  I booked us in a county park called Beaver Lake Park, near Lachine.  It’s kinda out there but it’s on a beautiful lake and has lots of activities for kids.  It was nice that it’s not a weekend as there were only 9 rigs in the park and no kids.  Very quiet and peaceful!  The problem was the space wasn’t close to level.  It took us a while to find the angle in the space (we had a whole corner) that our leveling system would agree to.  We had to block up the front tires and legs, but it finally leveled!

It was well after 7 and I had planned to cook a nice meal but Bill suggested we have pot pies and save the meal for tomorrow night.  We did get great Directv reception so we must have picked the exact spot on the spot!

We watched a little TV and that was it for a long day!

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