Monday, June 6, 2011

May 31 - Our Last Day Of Freedom

Our last day before starting “work”. We work 8:30 to 5:30 tomorrow. I sure hope we like it or it’s going to be a really long summer. We attempted to sign for our keys this AM but the person we were to see was not in today. We headed into “town” so I could order prints of my Europe trip while they had a sale on at Walgreens. We stopped at Publix to fill our water jugs and pick up some fruit. Should have gotten some veggies too but will go again this week to pick up my photos.

We also stopped at the campground on Tybee Island to get the name of a mobile RV service guy. We have some concerns about how the front level legs are performing so I called and he said he could make it out later this afternoon. After lunch I went to our VIP room to put some overflow fruit in the fridge there and grow old using dial up service. It was OK when I was able to chat on line with Kerry and Kam to pass the time, but they actually had to get off from chatting and work so then I was getting tired and bored. Managed to post a couple of days of blogs and label our photos from this trip, pay a bill online and catch up on some of the email that didn’t have large attachments. Those take as much as 15 minutes to load.

I rode my bike over so rode back when I had to go to the bathroom and went back until time to come home and put meatloaf in the oven. Bill called the RV guy as he hadn’t come yet and he said he was still heading our way. Of course he pulled in just as we sat down to eat our meatloaf, baked potatoes and steamed carrots. He didn’t find a problem with the legs other than the battery was overheating and they could barely get it out because it was so hot. The RV guy said he couldn’t tell for sure if it was the battery or the converter but the battery was shot. So I guess we will be going to town tomorrow night after a quick dinner to get a new one. If it starts overheating then it should be the converter. At least we aren’t going anywhere for a while so can get it resolved before driving it.

Once he left we finished dinner and took Xena for a long walk. Then we got on our bikes and road up to the Fort and all the way around it. We’d never seen the side where, all the damage was done by the Yankees during the Civil War except in the video about the fort. There are still some cannon balls in the wall. They have rebuilt parts but have left some that is not a safety hazard like it was for historical reasons. On the way back we saw a number of deer and one of the Coast Guard guys running. We stopped to get ice but we had the wrong set of keys. Luckily I had two trays in the freezer. Bill did the dishes while I showered and got my uniform ready for tomorrow. I noticed he had his out and ready also and I set the alarm. At least we don’t have a lot of driving time!

Jared called tonight and had a nice chat. I did our expenses and wrote a few post cards. Will try to look up a couple of addresses for Bill to finish his. Hope we have a good day tomorrow!

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