Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 26 - Raccoon Raid and Ft Jackson

It’s so nice to sleep a little later. When I came out to the living room Bill delivered the news that the raccoon had come again and in addition to drinking his water he stole Bill’s flip flops. He said he looked around and found one at the rear of the RV at the edge of the woods. I could not contain myself and just busted out laughing. He loved those orange flip flops. Then he discovered the raccoon also took a rag towel he had under the water filter. It was so funny! After our Sunday breakfast I went out and looked in some of the woods behind us but no luck on either item. Bill said it’s pretty sad when you can’t leave your flip flops outside.

Once we showered and dressed we stopped at Publix for a Sunday paper and then headed to Old Fort Jackson. It’s a much smaller fort than Pulaski and is 9 miles further up river. It was built in 1808 and named for a general from the Revolutionary War, James Jackson. It was used some during the Spanish American War and then some during the Civil War. It has a nice video and small museum in the casemates. Like Pulaski it is in excellent shape except that they don’t have the moat restored. While we walked up to the fort, which is right on the river, a huge cargo ship came and I got some nice photos of it with no trees blocking. We came here 10 years ago with Carole and Herb on a visit to see their son Jeff.

One of the cargo ships
Bill dropped me off at McDonald’s while he went to Wal-Mart to get some new flip flops. The WIFI was not working very well so after Bill had a burger and fries and I did some email we stopped at Publix for eggs and Bill wanted to try some FRS that they advertise on Dan Patrick.

Back home Bill cleaned the inside of the truck and I baked an almond cream cheese pound cake and rhubarb crisp to take to Jeff’s tomorrow and a mixed berry tart for our dessert. I did a load of wash and before we left Bill put the blankets in the machine in the VIP room. He took Xena for a walk with him and I told him to keep an eye out for the missing flip flop. He didn’t think it was funny. I got to sit and read for an hour before getting dinner going. I made stuffed pork chops, waldorf salad and green beans. It was reported on TV that there were storm warnings in Hilton Head so we parked the truck out from under the trees and put the awning in so if it did make it our way we’d be prepared. After walking Xena we had some of the tart and Bill had to have a second helping. It’s only a keebler crust with honey yogurt and berries. Really healthy and so good for a summer dessert.

I read the paper while Bill watched TV and then Molly and I settled into my chair and I read it bedtime.

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