Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Blow, Blow Kansas Wind, Blow Like You're Never Going to Blow Again.....

June 13 – We were actually on the road by 8:30 today.  After diving 80 miles in the wind, I
was more than ready to stop in Abilene, KS at the Dwight Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, Boyhood Home and Burial Site.  It’s not as big and showy as you’d think, but then he was a modest man with a gentle soul.  We timed it well and went straight into the 24 minute movie about his life.  He came from nothing, one of 7 sons born to a poor family and earned an appointment to West Point, and as we know, brought us through WWII and became our President.  All of his brothers became successful in a variety of careers and they did right by their parents and saw to their needs as they grew old.  Their mother died in the family home in Abilene.  The house was small with only 3 bedrooms for everyone.

One of Ike's many gifts
The museum first provided the history of Abilene as a major “cow” town and the rest was dedicated to the life and times of Dwight and Mamie.  We enjoyed the personal items on display, such as several of Mamie’s gowns and frivolous hats and their gifts from foreign dignitaries. We learned how they met and about their life as a family.   The “reflections” building where they are buried along with their first son who died at age 3, is most respectful and calming.

We didn’t visit the library as it’s not open to the public except for 2 hallway exhibits, so we optioned to have lunch and get back on the road.

Wind, wind and more wind!  I dared not take a hand off the steering wheel.  I drove with a death grip on it and was perched on the edge of my seat, waiting for a semi to play partners with the wind and send me hurling down the embankment!  Yes, it was that windy and scary.

We attempted to visit a place called “Rock City” and drove quite a ways to the final sign for it --- but then it was gravel for 6-7 miles and we definitely did not want to subject the RV to such brutality.  Bummer!  It was on my list, but life if full of daily adjustments.

Get the picture?
Although disappointed we drove on west to Cawker City, KS where we got up close and personal with the “World’s Largest Ball of Sisal Twine”.  What an accomplishment!  It was started in 1953 by a local farmer and is now over 8 million feet of twine weighing over 20,000 pounds.  It’s housed under a shelter and across the street we were told is a gift shop where you can buy some twine to add to the ball.  As luck would have it she was closed at 3:30 today.

Can I fill 'er up?
There was also a nifty little “vintage” gas station across the street and it looked like you can stay in it for the night.  Not sure why anyone would want to but I guess the view across the street of the giant ball of twine could be quite enticing.

We backtracked 3 miles to Glen Elder State Park where we are camping for the night.  The wind has not let up and as we approached our spot on the lake you could see the
Winds are blowing...
white caps on the water.  Bill said he thought he was back on Lake Erie!  The campground has 5 loops and apparently you can rent for the season as there are quite a few RV’s on the property and no one in them…..spooky…there’s only one other person in our loop!

I made some steelhead trout for dinner and afterwards Bill challenged the winds and washed the front of the RV.  The bugs have really been bad.

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