Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The final curtain

September 16 – When I sit down to write the last of each trip, it reminds me of the Frank Sinatra song, “And now the end is here and so I face the final curtain, My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain”.  I’m certain we had a super summer and met some wonderful people that we hope to continue to be in contact with.  I’m certain that we look forward to seeing our family and friends at home.  What I’m never certain of is what to expect when we walk through the door at home.

The drive from Tifton was probably the easiest leg for the trip going home, as the roads and traffic were a breeze.  We stopped at the Florida Welcome Center mainly to see if they still give out orange and grapefruit juice, and they do.  We stopped for lunch but no fuel stops today.  We arrived back at our business around 2:30 and the weather was not looking good.  We had been warned by everyone in Florida how much rain there had been and luckily we managed to park and get unloaded with no major weather battles.

Since we had loaded a lot in the car before we left Idaho, we only had so much space left so once it was full Bill took it home and unloaded all the bags and came back for Molly and I. I unloaded the fridge and freezer and gathered up more of the laundry.  I still had to go back on Thursday and get into all the cabinets and check for things I missed and clean the RV.

Molly was happy to be home and have so much space to wander and a porch to go out on.  For us it wasn’t quite as nice!  I’m sure I mentioned that we had a water leak and the city had turned off the water.  So we had to fill bottles and buckets to have water to flush the toilet, wash dishes and our hands.  The plumber was scheduled for Thursday afternoon.  The water had gotten into the air ducts under the house and caused mold to be growing in the bathroom, kitchen, and dining rooms.  It was on most anything that was wood.  Yikes!  It was all I could do to get everything unpacked and sort all of the mail pile so the mold is waiting for tomorrow and how many more days it may take.

We are showering at Kerry’s next door and getting water from her outside faucet, it’s nice to have good neighbors!  My good neighbor also mowed the grass which Bill was happy to see but there is a lot of weed eating to do and the garden area is once again like a jungle!  A huge limb broke during one of the storms and is lying on the carport and off the side touching the front porch screen, so that’s another job for us.  Of course the concrete walkways are green with mold and will have to be pressure washed.  There are leaves on the roof and pothos growing rampant everywhere, up the walls, up through the cracks in the porch.  It will be a few weeks to get things back under control.

But the bottom line is:  We are lucky to have a home and family to come home to and to have the opportunity to spend our summer as we have.

Note to my followers:  I may do some mini-blogs so check back on occasion and see what we (or I) may be up to, and thank you for taking an interest in our adventures!

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