Sunday, September 13, 2015

Now we're in Kentucky!

September 13 – I was ticked when I went to bed and more ticked when I got up.  The people behind us, literally behind our bedroom were having an outdoor gathering and the last person to shut up was at 12:30.  I read until 10:30, thinking quiet time starts as 10 (in most campgrounds) but they had music playing, and talking and laughing and we needed to get up and go today.  Well, I was so tired that I didn’t manage to drag out of bed until 8.  I wanted to turn my generator on or the diesel engine and let them get a taste of what I had to listen to last night!  I held off until 8:45 and then needed to start the engine to warm up and bring up the legs.  We pulled out into the main lot to hook up the car and by then the office was open so I went in and expressed by feelings.  She said 10 was quiet time and she’d let the campground manager know.  I felt better!

We left East Peoria just after 9 and on south through Illinois.  It was really another boring day of more corn fields.  We only stopped twice, once to get fuel and have lunch and later to run the car a while.  The goal was to reach our Wal-mart destination by 6 for Bill to pick up his prescription that was ready.  I asked him if the time changed for us today and he said no, tomorrow.

From Illinois we crossed about 116 miles of Indiana and the over the Ohio River into 
Bridge over the Ohio River
Kentucky at Louisville.  We knew we were cutting it close but pulled into the “new” Wal-mart parking lot at about 5:45 and I dropped Bill off while I went to park with the truckers for the night.  He came back with no prescription as the time DID change on us and the pharmacy was closed!  Crap, crap, crap!  Now we can’t leave tomorrow until they open at 9. 

I George’d some pork chops, made acorn squash and heated leftover green beans once I turned the generator on.  It started right up!  Oh, and this morning I tried using the water with the pump and had just about no pressure and it didn’t get any better as the day went on.  We’re not sure if sediment got into the pump when we ran the tank dry or if the pump is broken.  So we could not take showers at all, just get a dribble of water in the sink.  After dinner we walked over to Wal-mart for some fruit and window washer fluid.  I bought 2 nice pumpkins at what I thought was a really good price til they rung up for more.  Bill checked and the sign was for something else but right in front of the pumpkins but it’s too much hassle to return so will have them to get started on my pumpkin butter when I get home.

We did manage to get the Directv going again but nothing of interest on so back to reading.  We plan to be ready to leave the minute Bill gets his script in the morning.       

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