Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Trip to Rexburg

September 2 – We had to be up at 7:30 to shower, eat and get to Rexburg by 10.  Bill had an appointment for an oil change in the car.  We made it with about 6 minutes to spare.

It took an hour and I used the time to type yesterday’s journal on my netbook.  Kam called so it was a good time to talk.  The car had no other issues and they washed it, which it seriously needed after yesterday’s trip.

We had talked about going to a movie but the only one showing that we hadn’t seen really didn’t interest either of us.  We decided this was a good time to get our flu shots so we pulled into the Walgreens.  It ended up that Bill could get his but my current prescription card is not good at Walgreens, just CVS and others, so he got his and I looked around.  There is no CVS in Rexburg and no wine and liquor store! 

We stopped at Dollar Tree and then we went to Wal-mart for my paper goods.  Bill checked to see if they could fill one of his scripts today but they would have to order his meds and he’d have to come back on Sunday.  That would be another hour drive each way so he declined.  He’ll call ahead to a Wal-mart, maybe the first one we camp at one night on the way home. 

Since we weren’t going to a movie today, we went ahead and had lunch at Blister’s BBQ.  It’s in a gas station and we went by the address and didn’t see a single sign for it.  I went inside to ask if it was near there and saw the line for orders.  What a busy place and excellent brisket!  I also had deep fried green beans.  Yummy!

Time to start making our way back to Island Park.  First stop along the way was St. Anthony’s for a liquor and wine store.  It was a small one but they had some Idaho made wine I wanted to get so it worked out well.

Next stop was Ashton to take back some of the soda we bought for the park last week.  Bill got the wrong brand of orange so while we returned it I picked up a few more produce items as their little market has better prices on them. 

The last stop was the post office in Island Park so I could drop off some mail.  Elaine came in while I was chatting with the post mistress.  Elaine had been to the office and was on her way back home to work on tax stuff.  That does not sound like fun!

On the last leg home we spotted a small herd of antelope for the first time in our valley. 
We spent the afternoon doing laundry, reading and blogging.  Bill unloaded the car and did some cleaning inside the car.

Big Spring at dusk
After dinner we left at 7:30 for Big Springs, to hunt for
Look really hard and you can see the moose to the
right of the tree in the middle
Moose.  On the way the antelope were still in the same spot.  We finally, at almost dark, spotted one moose at the far end of the spring.  She was too far to get a decent photo, but at least we saw one.  We will try a couple more times before we leave.  On the drive home in the dark the antelope were still there.

I made a batch of tapioca pudding to use up some milk that will go bad.  It will be a nice change.

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