Tuesday, June 11, 2013

??Trouble at Customs

June 11 – For a brief moment I thought we might have a rainless sunshiny day.  Not happening!  It was a dreary day until we arrived at our destination for the day.  We left about 8:45 and really had no problems.  We had to clear customs, where I told the truth about what meat and produce we had on board.  The first agent had me open the rear window of the truck, then open the RV and told me to stay outside.  Then they sent our passports into the building and told us to pull forward and park it along side a low wall.  The second agent was a woman.  Bill asked if he could go in and use the bathroom so he left.  She asked me again what produce and meats we had.  I listed them all and I thought she said tropical fruit was prohibited and tomatoes and peppers.  Well we had bananas and tomatoes.  She asked me to open the RV door and asked again what we had.  I got the bananas down and she said they were OK.  I told her in order to get to the tomatoes I would have to open the slides and I can’t be sure which one will open first and I’d be really close to the wall and the other slide would be out in the roadway.  She said not to do it.  Then she asked if there were any sharp items or needles in the drawers.  I told her the knives were in the drawer that could not be opened unless the slide was open.  She told me to wait outside.  There wasn’t much she could get to with all 3 slides in so I’m not sure what she looked for.  I told her I was going in to the bathroom.  When I got out Bill was inside the main room and there were a lot of people sitting while they were being checked out and their vehicles were being inspected.  The agent was then behind the counter and signed our “slip” to give the guy at the door and gave us our passports and sent us on our way.  So we got to keep all of our veggies, fruits, cheese and meats.  She did ask if we had any goat or lamb, that they were prohibited and we both made faces that told her we didn’t eat either.
It worked out OK as we were going to ask where we could stop for a bathroom break.  Later down the road we agreed that the bikes on the front of the truck were making us both nervous.  It was windy out and they were bobbing up and down and back and forth and if one came off or something, it would go under the truck and it would cause havoc with the truck so when we got to the PA welcome center we stopped for lunch and to bring the bikes inside the RV and took the rack off.  We put one on our bed and I wedged the front wheel of one between our recliners and we strapped it to them.  Oh well, it’s only for tonight and then we have 7 weeks that they will be outside.
It was colder at lunch time than when we started so we expected it to be cold here in New Castle, PA at the Rose Point Park campground, but the instant we got off I-79 the sun came out and the wind died down and it was really nice out.  This park is mostly RV’s that are left year around and the people come for weekends in the summer or all summer.  They keep a section for overnighters and people who want a week or month.  The people behind us are from Summerville, FL.  They’re here for 6 weeks visiting their kids and grandkids.  Then we saw another small Class C with Florida tags.
I made dinner and Bill did his dishes and then we walked down and round some of the permanent RV’s and most have nice decks built in and landscaping they did.  Nice place

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