Saturday, June 15, 2013

Getting in the Swing of Ferry Hill

Ferry Hill from the bridge over the Potomac
June 15 – My turn at the VC.  I drove today as Bill was going to do some chores at the RV, bike some and clean sites as needed.  I timed my trip at 7 minutes with no other traffic on the road.  There are numerous places you have to pull over to allow cars to pass and there’s one old bridge tower that is one car at a time so you look ahead and see if there’s anyone approaching before zipping through.  No wildlife on the way today.  Bummer! 
I met Susanna who is kind of in charge.  She’s only 19 and volunteering for the summer from England.  She has no car so the park loaned her a bicycle but Sherpardstown is the only place close enough for her to go to and she visits an internet cafĂ© there as she has no internet in her park apartment.  Friends take her to the laundry and grocery.  She’s very nice and is going to start a University in England in the fall.  She has never been to the states other than Hawaii and is very interested in the history here and plans to study history at school.  John, who volunteered yesterday with Bill, was also there and he did the tours for the guests.  We had 10 before I left and another couple was parking as I left.  Susanna and I did some brochure unstuffing and chatted with the visitors and rang up sales in the bookstore.  In between she and I visited and talked about her mother coming for 2 weeks in July.
When I got home one of the police rangers was at our site so we met him.  Very nice guy, new to the park but from PA so not too far away.  Bill was dressed and ready to go so we headed into Hagerstown to catch a matinee, check on a washing machine and go to eat.  We were going to see “Hangover III” but due to technical difficulties they were not showing it so based on the times we went to “Superman” in 3-D.  Bill did a lot a moaning about the movie as he doesn’t see why they keep remaking classics and changing the story.  It was good as I’m a Superman fan from the days of George Reeves as Superman in black and white on TV.  This one was rather violent but more destructive than violent and as expected it left the door open for a Superman 2.
We checked out the mall and it’s really nice.  Way better than our mall.  We checked on a washer at Sears that I need to check on ratings and size before we commit.  It will take a week to arrive.  Since we had popcorn at the movie we didn’t want a huge dinner so we stopped at Boston Market.  They had fresh spinach with lemon and garlic that was really good.  The chicken was dry but I enjoyed my veggies.  On the way home we detoured a bit to the outlet mall to see what stores they had and it’s huge.  Kinda choppy design and you’d probably need to move your car a couple of times or plan to walk a lot and carry your purchases.  We mainly wanted to check out the Reebox/Rockport store.  They had a big sale of BOGO on clearance shoes and select other shoes so we left with 4 pair totaling $95.  That was a good deal.  Of course we don’t have much closet space for 4 boxes of shoes but we will manage.
We didn’t get home until 9:30 and Molly was glad to see us.  We are not normally out driving in the dark in places we’re not familiar with and the drive home was interesting due to the narrow lanes and hilly roads.  We stopped for a deer, slowed for a deer and spotted a third when we got back to the park.  Bill figured he was ticking off the cars behind us but rather that than have a deer as a new hood ornament!

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