Sunday, May 19, 2019

Heading west....

May 19 – There was no big hurry for either couple to head out today.  Jane and Paul only had about 2 hours with taking their RV back to where they store it and getting home.  We expected about a 3 hour drive but it was mostly 2 lane roads through small towns but once we dumped and hooked up the truck and made one quick stop we arrived about 3.

Great riverside spot
The 4 of us had breakfast together at our picnic table.  Jean brought sausage and I had a stolen, fruit and leftover scones so no one left hungry.  We sat for a long time and enjoyed the morning before it would get hot.  We said our goodbye, knowing we will see each other in October in Albuquerque.

 We’re staying 2 nights in Franklin, AL at Claiborne Lake which is a US Army Corps of Engineers park.  There are only 41
View of the dam
spaces and we are on the river.  What a beautiful place!  Since it’s Sunday most campers left today so we only saw 2 others on our way around the circle to the space.  We’re across from the restrooms and playground but other than one of the workers we haven’t seen any seen any one.  The pads are all concrete with a nice area with a picnic table, grill and firepit. There’s a slight breeze and we’ve seen one boat on the river and the dam is just up stream from us.  We’re over 20 miles to a town so we won’t be going anywhere, just relaxing, resting and reading!

Bill had only a few bugs to wash off the RV so that didn’t take long at all.  Dinner will be a pot pie for him and leftover chicken for me with whatever salad or veggies we have still.  The fridge is not getting empty fast for sure!

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