Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Only a half day of work

August 11 – We slept in as would be expected!  Bill went over to ask Becky if this afternoon would be good for us to work our remaining half day as our friend, Newell, called and he’s headed our way and we wanted to be off when he’s here so we can visit.  She said that was good for her so we did some housework and a load of laundry and after lunch we headed to work.

It reached 80 today and we had to turn the air coolers on in the laundry room.  Between the dryers and the sun in all the glass walls it was warming up pretty well.  The laundry was busy on and off but not too much in the park.  All of the departures were gone before we came on duty and I only had 3-4 to check in.  I took a couple of reservations over the phone and Bill came up to pump some propane but he always has plenty to do outside.

Becky, Andrew and Wendell spent the afternoon trying to complete the last of Andrew’s Eagle Scout project before they head back to Utah on Sunday.  He is putting up a solar panel to generate light in a windsock for the emergency helicopter pad 7 miles down the road from us on Highway 20.  He started his project last summer and had to complete it this summer or start over on another project.

Bill came and swept for me but I did the washers as soon as 5:30 came around and then all of the dryers except the last 2 being used and then had those done before 7.  I did the popcorn machine and the restrooms right after 7 and then to balance.  I was off $80 something dollars my first try and found a void done before I arrived and that brought it down to $40.25.  After recounting I gave up for the day.  After I got home I remembered a gentleman who had a $40 deposit that I didn’t take into account so that was the most of it.  I will call in the morning to let them know to make that correction.

Bill had the table set and ready when I got home and I heated up some of the grilled meats from the other night, leftover refried beans, leftover broccoli and a half of a tomato.  After dinner I made us each a 1 minute microwave cookie.  I made a raspberry jello pie for tomorrow when we see Newell.  Then it was time to watch Rizzoli and Isles and read.

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