July 22 – I was up at 7:15 with a back ache. No use staying in bed, so I got up and did some stretches to try and work it out. I think I sat way too long in the recliner reading and that’s not normal for me or my back. Then I cleaned my coffee maker. I was concerned that the minerals in the tap water might clog something up so I ran the cleaner solution through and now am only going to use filtered water. I made Bill his poached eggs, toast and bacon with fruit and I settled for bacon, toast (with homemade apple butter) and fruit. I didn’t feel like dirtying up more dishes even though Bill is the one to wash them.
Bill drove me to work, along with a loaf of the banana nut bread, and was going to take Xena for a morning walk in the grass there before heading back to start on site cleaning. One left last night after the wind we had and 2 of the fishermen left before we did. We had 26 supposed to leave today but ended up ONLY 24 as two extended for another day. Than meant a lot of fire pits for poor Bill to clean. The dock broke in the wind yesterday and they had a time getting it secure in the wind so get all the boats off the water. It was busy again in the office. It’s amazing how many people don’t arrive with their boats and jet skis until noon and the weather normally blows up around 4-5. Hardly seems worth the effort to me to put the boat in, park the trailer, come back for the trailer, wait in a long line to get your boat back out again.
I had my salad with salmon as planned and Bill had more fried hot dogs, nasty. Then we picked up trash and we went out and we had one more site that just left and I did the fire pit and trash and he raked. We drove around and warned tent campers that the wind this afternoon was expected to be worse than it was yesterday. Bill read while I made deviled eggs for my potluck dish tomorrow. I have a crudités tray that I think will hold them in 2 compartments and I’ll fill the other three with veggies and grapes and raspberries. Two of the ladies today said they were doing dessert, so I’ll back off of that. I didn’t want to drive 18 miles to the grocery so had to work with what I had and I did get a dozen eggs on sale for .99 so that’s what they are getting. I used a pastry tip to pipe in the yellow so they are rather pretty.
I put a venison roast in the oven with some carrots and potatoes for dinner. So we read and relaxed until dinner time. I should have put more liquid in the roast due to the altitude and dryness here. It’s also the first time I’ve tried roasting in one of my green pans. I checked and they are made to withstand high temps in the oven. It was good and Bill was happy but cornbread or biscuits would have topped off the dinner.
We took Xena to the office to have her walk in the nice grass and then we settled in for the predicted high winds that never happened. That was fine with us.
July 23 - We got up and headed out to walk this morning and Terry tracked us down to let us know the staff meeting today was to be at 10 instead of 11. We had cereal for breakfast since we’d be eating early, we thought. Bill said he’d go do the 2 sites that were vacated and I had a couple of calls to make. He came back and was showering and Terry came back and asked if he could come help him load the grill to take up for the luncheon after the meeting. While Bill was helping Terry I put my deviled eggs on a tray and filled in the center with a jar of olives. There wasn’t any room for any veggie after all. I packed up some extra serving pieces, plates and silverware and Bill wanted to take a small cooler with Snapple and a Sun Drop for him.
As is normal for here, nothing was ready at 10 and there was a debate on whether to have the meeting and lunch in the big conference room that was not set up, or out at the picnic pavilion where the grill was. We ended up at the pavilion and the meeting finally got underway at 10:45. Geez! The various department heads spoke and they introduced the new marina manager who is from England. Finally lunch got underway. They grilled burgers and brats and provided bottled water and iced tea. The “guests” brought the standards: potato salad, pasta salad, beans, chips and dips and several cakes for dessert. I must say my eggs were a hit. They started on them as soon as the grill was lit and they were long gone before we were ready to get in line. At least we didn’t have leftovers. At the end we were waiting around for a group photo, so we didn’t leave until after 1.
We changed into work clothes and Bill went to clean our remaining sites and do some weed eating while I went back to weeding. All of the sites have had the major weeding finished so now I am just trying to maintain them. I did 10 sites, as it was super hot out today. Along the way I also pick up all kinds of trash, especially since we’ve had wind lately and it ends up in the trees too.
This afternoon was relaxing. Well, as relaxed as I get. I read the Sunday paper and then we watched reruns of NCIS and I crocheted some more scrubbies. I want to finish them this week so I can take them to work this weekend for the girls. I did start looking at water heaters for the rental house. Barb emailed that it was leaking really bad. It’s probably 12-13 years old so guess it’s time to replace it. I’ll call Jared tomorrow and tell him which one to get and hope he gets it done in a couple of days.
Before dinner we took Xena down in front of Tiffany camp to walk and then we stopped by Newell’s. Barry was there visiting and we all got in a few laughs over various things, plus discussing today’s meeting. We cleared out some leftovers for dinner and I was on the computer and Bill was watching TV and Marion and Jerry stopped by. They had been down to see the buck elk. It’s still there from Saturday night. If I catch it up closer to the fence maybe I can get a better picture.
After they left Bill did the dishes and emptied all our tanks and listened to his Sirius radio. I did email and finished another blog.
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