Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to the Casino and the Vet

Front of the Sky Ute Casino
July 18 – We only had 2 sites to clean this morning since 2 of our campers re-upped for a couple more days. We thought we’d head to Ignacio early and rent the shampooer, go to the casino and play before lunch, then eat and get back so I’d have lots of time to shampoo the nasty carpet. I’m not sure what happened to the time but we didn’t get on the road til 11:30 so we went to the casino first and I played our cards, only got to keep $12 this week. I tried some new games today and have no clue how to play them. I like the old fashioned machines that you just play and don’t have to think. Lunch was good. I love their soup so had a cup of it, a big salad, a tamale and a brownie with some soft serve. We were a little earlier today and it was busier.

Back of the Sky Ute Casino
On the way back Bill stopped at the library to return some books and order some new ones. Then we went to the hardware store and rented the shampooer. As we got home Terry and Barry stopped to deliver our wood bundles. We’d sold 8 so with the weekend approaching we needed to stock back up. As soon as they left we cleared up what we could off the floors and I got started on my shampooing. I did the bedroom first, 2 canisters of water and it was still dirty but my left hip starts hurting so I took a break and started on the living room. I don’t know how many canisters of water I used but they were black. It is unreal how much dirt gets in the carpet and we’ve gotten pretty good about removing our shoes. I worked on it until 5:30 and my hip was killing me so it was time to stop. I dried around the edges with towels and put a big sheet over the living room floor since we have to walk on it until it dries. Will take it up before I go to bed. With the AC going in the bedroom it has dried pretty well, and I didn’t do as many times in there. The unit is huge compared to my Hoover so you can’t get it but so far under the bed or close to things. I had a problem in the dining area as it wouldn’t go under the table and the table is screwed down. I did the best I could and at least we’ll feel better. It will need it again when we get home for sure.

I knew I wasn’t going to feel like cooking so Bill had a salad and lasagna and I had a salad and taboule I made a couple of nights ago and a leftover baked sweet potato. Then I just wanted to sit in my chair and work on some scrubbies and watch my shows. When they were over I did Xena’s hot compresses and Bill came out as I was almost done and he said I was doing the wrong side of her neck. Oops! I was basing it on how I was holding her during the attack but I guess I was wrong and he got all bent out of shape and Xena was not happy that I had to start over on the other side. I hope the vet says we are passed that stage of treatment tomorrow.

I had my shower so I don’t have to get up extra early to leave at 7:45. I just have to dress and eat, quick and simple. Now to do some email and look up a few things on the net and maybe read for a few minutes!

July 19 - We didn’t have any sites vacating today, so that was good. We wanted to leave between 7:45 and 8 for Xena’s vet appointment. We just had a quick breakfast of cereal and then loaded the carpet shampooer in the truck and off we went. We went to the hardware store first and then headed on to the vet. We were about 20 minutes early but she took us right in and we were out in no time. She gave Xena a clear bill of health, well for the bite anyway. There was no infection and the wounds were healing nicely so she was good to go.

We stopped in Durango at Tarpley’s, the RV place, and they didn’t have what we went for but got Manuel’s window frames. Then we stopped at the Humane Society Thrift Store and Bill stayed in the truck and I went in. It was half price book day so I got 2 paperbacks. Then we went to AT& T as Bill was having trouble again with his phone and I had a charger I wanted to return. Bill went in this time and I stayed with Xena. Bill was the second in line when it opened so he was out pretty fast. Last stop was Wal-Mart for a new rug, bird seed, and a few groceries. Good thing I got some grapes so we had a snack on the way home.

We stopped at the office on the way in and picked up 16 reservations. Everyone said July was the busiest month. After lunch Bill went out and put them out and repaired one of the fire rings that he was waiting for a washer from maintenance. I made a holder to put up another banner on our big light post I made and I finally put out my three kokopellis. I filled the seed feeder as it was totally empty and my birds and the dumb ground squirrel were very happy. I tried to fix the toilet but looks like I’m going to have to get new parts tomorrow at Tarpley’s. That should be a fun project. I heard replacement toilets run over $200 so hoping to avoid that.

Manuel and Barry stopped by and I was getting really hot outside so I gave up and came in. Manuel came by for his window parts we got for him. The guys talked for a long time then everyone got back to work.

My carpet looks lots better but still has some damp spots. It should all be dry by morning. Of course Xena already initiated it and I was so ticked. It is a lot lighter when it’s clean. I think we will end up taking the living room carpet out and putting something else down.

I made pizza from scratch for dinner with salads. Bill was very happy since he’s a pizza person. Just pepperoni, sun dried tomatoes and cheese. He doesn’t like anything else on his so why bother. I thought there might be some left for his lunch one day but nada. We got a big rain storm and I could see lots of lightning around. The TV was struggling with all the interference with the satellite. We watched a couple of shows and I wrote some postcards and now I’ll put my pj’s on and read for a bit.

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