Friday, October 29, 2010

October 27 Our Last Day in Kremmling

We woke up to more snow today. It’s supposed to stop and begin to clear and be clear tomorrow so we can drive out, but we will see. Everyone sorta did their own thing for breakfast. Mike had a doctor’s appointment so he left just as we were getting up.

No plans to venture out the day unless it really clears up. Bill spotted some deer again and as we continued to watch we think there were 14 all together. I went out to take some photos on the deck and that prompted the birds to swoop down and think I was there to put seed or peanuts out for them. I started taking photos of the little chickadees. I got a couple of them in flight and a couple landed on the snow on the deck rail.

We left at 4 to go into Kremmling. The guys dropped us off at the Junk Trunk while they went to the post office and Ace. Junk Trunk is an antique store with everything from dishware to furniture to saddles. Saw some things I liked but not the prices. She wanted $6 for 2 cookie cutters like ones I have. The guys came back and looked a bit too, then we headed to Las Amigos for dinner. I had tamales, which not many Mexican restaurants sell. They were pretty yummy.

Our after dinner deer
There was no snow on the ground down in Kremmling and it was sunny and pretty nice when we arrived. By the time we left, the sun was going down and the winds picked up some and it was cold out. Mike said it’s always colder down there in the winter that up here in the mountains. On the way home we saw 10 deer crossing the road and in the field. I never get tired of seeing them.

When we got back, Xena had been a very naughty dog. She tore open 2 bags of trash and who knows what all she ate in there, but it was stinky in the laundry room. Time to read for a while and maybe watch some TV. Will also need to pack for leaving tomorrow.

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