Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26 Still Snowing but Trip to Steamboat Springs

Life in Kremmling
Bill and his new pet
Mike left first this morning for his lab appointment and Darlene, Bill and I followed shortly to meet Mike at The Moose CafĂ© for breakfast. Mike was little late so we ordered without him and then we sat and visited while he ate. Darlene had to go open the thrift store where she volunteers one day a week. Mike dropped me off there to look around while he took Bill to the Ace Hardware for a bolt he needed for the RV. I got a good deal on a bag of icing tips and Bill got some note cards with buffalos on them. We stopped in the dollar store in Kremmling and bought some frozen buffalo burgers and brats. We’ll take them back to the RV with us.

Bill loaned Abe his hat
Jump slopes in Steamboat
There was quite a bit of snow up at the house but not so bad down in Kremmling. We had discussed going to Steamboat Springs but it was definite that we were not comfortable doing the driving and might have some trouble getting down from the house in the truck with just 2 wheel drive. Mike said it should be an OK drive and he’d take us over. The way we went was over Rabbit Ears Pass and there was some snow on the road but the plows had been out and it wasn’t bad. There are places along the roads for the trucks to stop and put their chains on and off. The weather was such that it was required for commercial vehicles. We enjoyed seeing Steamboat Springs and some of the ski and jump slopes right from the main street. Bill and I went to the Pioneer Museum while Mike went to the Mac computer store. We all went to a bookstore/coffee shop where Bill found numerous books of the authors he’s been looking for, but only bought one at cover price. We’ll still try to find them at used book stores or on line. We also went to the FM Light store which is a western wear store that has been around for over 100 years. I’ve never seen so many cowboy boots. Fancy designs and colors. The clothes were really nice and I saw several things I would like but can’t really justify too many winter items in Florida. On the way out of town we stopped for gas and at Wendy’s for lunch.

We took a different way home and it was all lowlands with no snow on the roads until we approached Gore Pass. It wasn’t bad but when we got to the road that leads to the house, when Mike went to stop to make the turn and he slid for a bit but since we were in the new Jeep he was impressed at how it handled in the situation. Their road was not plowed but was OK. There was even more snow on things. It really is pretty out but kinda scary for us to think of driving.

I put an apple cake in the oven and planned to cook dinner since Darlene was working until 5. After the cake baked I made chorizo quesadillas and chicken enchiladas for supper. While I was cooking Bill did email and while at the table he spotted 2 deer crossing the yard. It’s a hunter’s paradise around here, that is for sure.

Mike had a fireman class in town so had to leave at 6:30. The three of us sat at the table and visited and eventually had our dessert and watched TV. Mike got home after 10 but the rest of us had retired to our rooms. Bill and I were reading and heard him come in. I’m almost done with my 3rd book, so have been reading more than posting blogs!

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