Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 16 West to Durango

Since we only had just over 100 miles we slept in and lazed around a bit til it warmed up some outside.  We left about 9:30 and there was no traffic at all in South Fork.  The road was pretty much single lane all the way to Durango, with sections of passing lanes along the way.  The scenery was beautiful and changed at every curve.  The fall colors are getting more outspoken and now the mountains were up close and personal.  There were lots of horses and farms along the way until we got into the Wolf Creek Pass.  The road was really curvy but nice and wide with guard rails.  We cross the Continental Divide but didn’t realize it until it was too late to stop for a photo op.  The height of the pass is 10,850 ft.  There were several pull outs but most were not conducive to the size of our RV.  The grade is 7% going up and coming down.  Up was a breeze but going down was a bit nervy.  There were a lot of run away truck ramps.  I wondered if an RV was allowed to use them too.  The road down was 9 miles and believe it was a long 9 miles.

We took our time passing through the mountains and stopped for video and photos. Then stopped in Pagosa Springs and lunched at McD’s since again there were no rest areas to accommodate us. It’s a very nice town. Too bad there was not good place for us to park and check out the shops and eat in town.

Our campground, Cottonwood RV Park, is not what we expected for the price. The location really is right in town and there are cottonwood trees, but it’s nothing special. Bill said the bathrooms make up for what the park lacks. We went to Wal-mart and picked up a few things. I wanted to heads for my battery toothbrush and we needed milk and eggs. Once back to the park we met ANOTHER couple from Alaska. He said to ignore the horror stories. They don’t drive their RV back and forth but store it someplace at the border where they can fly into from Alaska. They also leave their old car there also. We set up the Direct TV and I called to change our service address but as of now we still can’t get the local stations. Will have to call again tomorrow about that.

Bill ate the leftover venison roast and veggies and I had the venison stew and we shared some toasted cornbread. I did 2 loads of wash and finished reading my book finally. It was thick with small print and I haven’t have much reading time. Think I will do that after I post this for today.

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