For once we actually left at the designated time – 8:00. We decided to take the interstate so we cut across Santa Fe and had no trouble through the city. We arrived in Raton, NM at about noon after making one rest stop along the way. It was a cold and dreary day. Reminded me of Ohio in the winter, gray and overcast. We checked into the Summerlan RV Park which was really conveniently located, right off the interstate on the road that we needed to go to Capulin Volcano National Park on.
Visitor Center from the top of Capulin |
The campground was pretty nice. Fruit trees, level sites, nice bathhouse. Since it was kinda chilly out I made soup and fried Spam sandwiches. Then we drove the 35 miles to the volcano. The landscape was looking a lot like Kansas again. The highlight of the ride out was the number of antelope that I spotted along the way. First there was just one, then three and then I saw 2 herds. They were just out in the field, some were feeding along side of the cattle. Too bad they weren’t close enough to get some photos.
From along the top, looking into
the cone where the cinder is |
You could see the volcano from pretty far away. Instead of having a pointed top, you can definitely see the crater indentation from afar. After a short video and exhibit in the visitor center, we drove to the top of Capulin. The original road was built in 1925. It is without guard rails for part of it, then it really gets curvy but the rail got added. At the top there are 2 trails: one goes to the top around volcano cone and the other goes down into the center of the cone. We did part of both. We went up around the cone far enough to get some photos of the cinders down in the center. Then we walked down in the cone to see the huge piles of cinders. It really is very impressive to be on top of and down inside of a volcano. It was pretty cold up there. I was wearing along sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and my down vest.
On the way back to the RV I spotted 3 standing antelope, then 3 laying and then a herd laying. We stopped along the road to photo a beautiful yellow leaf tree that has made the fall change. When I got out of the truck I spotted a spiny lizard burrowed in the ground so I got a nice photo of it also. By the time we got home, the sun was out full force and it was beautiful. We shed our jackets and enjoyed being outside.
See out the tree stands
out? |
My spiny lizard |
Since the RV park has a row of fruits trees, I decided I’d pick some and make an apple cake. They had apple, pear, peach and some tiny little apples. I only bake small things that will fit in my toaster oven. So it was enough for 3 meals. Very yummy! Later I went out and picked a bag of apples for the road. They were all falling off the trees and I hated to see them go to waste.
We’re headed out tomorrow but not too far, but we’ll be changing states again.