May 13 – We had a full day today! I did some laundry while Bill worked one of the RV rims that were a mess from whatever they used on them when we had it washed. He spent a couple of hours but it looks really good. It’s a one at a time job!
I did my floors and cleaned my
kitchen (which doesn’t take long).
After lunch we went sightseeing. Right in Malta we stopped to see the one room
school house from the 1800’s and the dungeon from much earlier that was found
later. It had been the basement of the
jail that sat there but unknown until they torn down the old jail.
Then we started hunting the
giant dragon fly in Malta and took us a while to see it although we drove past
it 3-4 times. I guess if we knew what it
was going to look like we would have seen it right away!
From there we drove out about
8 miles to a park dedicated to Big Muskie.
Big Muskie was actually super gigantic earth shovel that mined coal. It cost $25 million dollars and was assembled
where it would be used due to the size.
It took 340 railcars and 260 truck loads of parts. Look it up, it’s a fantastic
accomplishment. So the bucket is what
they managed to keep and have it as the center piece it the park. If you see the photo of me in the bucket, I’m
pretty much in proportion to it as the bucket would be to the hauler.
We crossed the river to McConnelsville
to visit the Historic Lock and Dam #7.
It doesn’t reopen usage until May 15 so we didn’t get to watch a boat
pass through it. Bill chatted with one
of the workers there and I strolled around the lock and took some photos. I did take a nasty one of a dead animal down
in the water. We could decide if it was
a possum or what?
I did some baking when we got
home as when we get to our new destination tomorrow, we are meeting up with
family for a cookout and I never attend a food event without taking
something! I also made a small loaf of
banana nut bread with an unappealing banana.
It will make a nice addition to a breakfast or 2. Waste not – want not!
We have a really short drive
tomorrow to my dad’s home town area where I have lots of cousins but only 1
uncle left. Can’t wrap my head around that. We’ve always visited and had nots of aunts
and uncle until now. Well, I do have even
more cousins! Time to sign off and pack
Dell up for our drive tomorrow!
You should post a link or 2 from your Instagram or at least say something like you can see the pics on Instagram under @kellyocoee1