Saturday, October 9, 2021

Spending the night in Oklahoma!

Captains Log October 9 – Another day on the road! Miles and miles of wind turbines, cotton and

Texas size rest area

sorghum! There were a few cattle scattered along the way. Traffic wasn't bad at all and only one single lane area for a couple of miles. All in all a good day.

We landed in Clinton, Oklahoma. Our campground is a great improvement over last night and was $2 less.! We were parked in an area with a row for pull thrus. We got here first but by the end of the day there were 4 RV's in our row.

Since we will be at Walmart tomorrow night I did 2 loads of laundry and one load of Bill's rags. Bill cleaned the RV front

Must be full of alcohol

and we both read and relaxed some. We had a nice long conversation with our friends Bruce and Sharon. Can't wait to be home and see them in person! Actually I miss all of my family and since Covid we haven't really have much “getting together”. Time to get back together!

We were happy to have enough leftovers on hand and I didn't have to do anything but use the microwave. Not sure about tomorrow!

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