Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Restful day!

Captains Log October 12 – I spent my morning making calls to get our newspaper, etc. back on track and with one of our camping club ladies to discuss upcoming events and plans. Bill took his truck to a car wash and then washed the front of the RV.

I spent some time on the phone with friends in Venice about a get together after the first of the year and with our friend Judy trying to get some campouts on the calendar. We really need to add some new folks to our group as it is dwindling with aging and illness. It's Hell to get old!

After lunch I took a drive into town. The old downtown is pretty much deserted. There were some office that looked like they are in use but very few retail stores. I stopped at one that was jam packed with merchandise. They had everything from shoes to tools to books. I was impressed at how much was stuffed in to the space. I enjoyed perusing but didn't make any purchases.

On the way back I spotted a “flea market” sign so I stopped. It was an awesome place! It's one of those buildings that individuals have their own little spots and they mostly have antiques, clothes, books, you name it! You check out near the front. I found a book for Bill and a little item for Kam for Christmas. I think my friend Karen would have loved that place!

I made a quick stop at Walmart for deli turkey, kale salad and vitamins. Bill was relaxing with a book when I got home. We both read for a while then I made dinner. Bill did up the dishes and we hooked the truck up for in the morning. After I did the last load of laundry he emptied the tanks so we won't have much to do in the morning!

Time to post!

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