Tuesday, August 10, 2021

If you're ever in Cave Junction, OR----

Captains Log August 9 – Since the Caves option was off the plate we decided to visit Great

Hey, wanta play some?

Cats World Park.  It was only ½ mile down the road from our campground and we saw cars there yesterday.  We got there just at a tour was starting so we joined them.  The woman leading the tour was excellent.  She could answer every question asked and she was great with the cats.

There are 17 breeds of wild cats there.  In addition to the tours for education they breed the cats and are partners with other places trying to save dieing breeds close to extinction.  They come for Africa, Europe, South America, Asia and North America.  Some of these cats we have never heard of and one breed looks just like a house cat in features and size.  There was way more information than either of us could digest and remember.  You will see a few photos in this post but to see more photos and breed names you can go to my photo album.  They are truly amazing.

What a baby!!

The lion males were fun to watch as one loved his big ball and rolled it around.  There was a tiger couple that they are trying to mate and are totally different in appearance.  There was a small cat that fishes and she threw a piece of meat in its little pond and he went right in the water to get it.

I took photos of all of the signs so I’d know which was which so I’ll post my photos with the Sign first.  There was no sign for the White Bengal Tigers but I think they are pretty recognizable!  We spent close to 2 hours seeing the cats and asking questions.  Our group grew as we went along as they let you join in as you arrive and then you start from the beginning with the next group so you don’t miss anything.  I wish it was possible to get photos without the fence as it was a major challenge.  Each cage is set up in a jungle kind of way with plants, fallen logs,

Lady, you can't begin to reach as 
high as I can!!

etc, so it’s a more natural habitat.

Bill said he was really glad we decided to go there as it was well worth it (especially with a senior discount)!

We had lunch today where we tried to have lunch yesterday and luckily she said we just missed the big rush.  It’s a family style diner and I had a delicious Asian salad! 

Then Bill dropped me off at the medical center and I was the 2nd person in line to see a doctor since they had just come back from lunch, so good timing for us!  The paperwork takes longer than anything else.  The bottom line is the doctor has no idea for sure what this rash thing is on my side.  He ended up treating me for poison ivy and shingles.  They have their own pharmacy there so I left with huge dark blue pills for shingles and cream for poison ivy.  We will see!

We stopped at the other thrift store on the way back that was closed on Sunday.  We got 3 books and another skein of yarn, so not bad.  They were REALLY organized!

Bill went ahead and emptied the tanks tonight so it would be faster leaving tomorrow.  We will backtrack into Grants Pass and Medford and down thru Klamath Falls into the very top of California to Tulelake.

PS - I see quite a few folks are reading my posts and I thank you!  However, I'd love to see some comments once in a while!

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