Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Super hectic day and then a bit more relaxed!

July 22- What a LONG hectic day!  The plan was to leave at 10 for Idaho Falls as Bill’s appointment was scheduled for 1 and we’d have time for a couple of stops and lunch before dropping him off for his appointment.

As usual, The Best Laid Plans, didn’t quite plan out!  By the time  we got shopping lists from those we offered to shop for, stopped at the library in Island Park, got stuck in a 30 minute delay for road construction, we didn’t have as much time as we planned. 

I had printed a spotting map with most of the places I wanted to go in addition to Bill’s doctor’s office.  He called this morning and found out he was off by an hour, as his appointment was at 2.  We were discussing lunch as we drove into town, approaching Home Depot, and Bill read a sign for a lunch special for fish and crabby cake!  That’s all it took, I told him that’s where I wanted to have lunch!  It’s a small family owned place and we got to talking with the owner and his son while our order was being prepared.  They use $2 bills and 50 cent pieces for the same reason my family uses $2 bills and dollar coins.  If the government pays to make them, we need to circulate them!  The lunch special was $7 for cod strips and a big crabby cake, waffle fries and a drink.  Those are the first fries I’ve had in years, and the first soda other than when I make my own ginger ale in just as long.  I really enjoyed my meal, the soda, not so much.  Too sweet when you’re not used to drinking it.

Honestly, I can’t remember the order we did things as there were a lot of stops.  Bill waited for me outside of Home Depot and  then I dropped him at the doctor’s office with his book.  He was afraid I’d take too long and he’d be late.  I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond, TJ Maxx, Target, and Staples before I went back for him.  His procedure went well and he was a bit sore and so I did the driving the rest of the day!  At Staples I had a coupon from email that you have them scan and you can win $5 - $500 in the store towards your purchase.  I’ve had $5 before but today I got $25 which really brought my total down!

We stopped at PetSmart for prescription food for Molly but they don’t have a Bancroft deal and so Bill called Petco and it was the same.  He was doing all this while I was in JoAnn’s.  He located the closest vet and so we backtracked to there and got Molly’s food.

Then I wanted to go to a bulk food store and had him ask the ladies at the doctor’s office while he was there and the top recommendation was Win-Co.  So Bill Goggled it and off we went.  On the way he realized we passed the medical supply place where he ordered his new CPAP mask from and so we turned around and he went in and picked it up.  A couple of the folks there vacation in Island Park and were going to bring it up to him over the weekend.

In JoAnn’s  I got a couple skeins of yarn and then we headed to Win-Co.  They have a huge bulk food area.  I wish we had them in Orlando!  They are employee owned so it’s no frills.  The produce is set out on the cooler racks in the boxes, so it takes less help and time to stock.  You bag your own groceries.  The checkouts have 1 belt for the current customer and then there are 2 belts that carry the groceries to the end.  After each customer the cashier moves the gate door to block the person he just completed.  So they cut back in many ways and their prices reflect it!

Next was Wal-mart.  Bill was assigned a list for items and I was assigned a longer list.  We
This unique fountain was near where we turned around
met at self-check and did the 2 orders for our 2 co-workers and he took that on to the truck while I did our stuff. We had coolers and cooler bags, so all was good.  In the same lot was a Panda Express, so we decided if we’re going to eat, this was it.  It was after 7, we had our dinner and headed for our last stop, Sam’s.  We didn’t have a lot to get but had trouble finding one of the items.  Once again, it would sure be nice if all Sam’s were laid out the same, and Wal-mart’s!  It’s frustrating to keep going back and forth!

Once we checked out it was time to get back on the road for home!  It’s not that far to Rexburg and Bill decided he wanted to gas up the truck so we made a quick stop there and then back on US 20 for Island Park.  We were stopped AGAIN for the road construction, at almost 9 pm.  Luckily this time was only about 10 minutes.

We were pooped!  When we pulled into the campground we stopped at the office and took in part of their supplies and Bill delivered one of our co-worker’s who’s site is across the road from there.  Then it was haul all of our stuff in!  It was everywhere!  I put away what had to be put away and left 2 bags for tomorrow!

Time to just chill and call it a day!

July 23 – Our last day off!  We didn’t rush this morning for sure, after the day we had
The day started with this lovely rainbow across the
road at Henry's Lake.
yesterday.  Once breakfast was over Bill drove the truck to the office to deliver the cases of water left.  Then he delivered the other couple’s small bag!

I did 3 loads of laundry, one of rugs and today was a nice sunny and not much wind until late in the day.  I laid my rugs on the picnic table and they were dry in no time.  I did all my floors. Cleaned the microwave as best I could.  I need to find the right stuff to clean that stainless steel inside.

I put away the last 2 bags of “stuff”.  Sometimes I forget where I put stuff as I’ve used every nook and cranny for sure!  Later in the day I did some baking!  I made some Anti-inflamation Muffins that Sharon sent me the recipe and then some Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies.  Bruce and Sharon arrive tomorrow and I have to have a goody ready for my buddy!  I’m also taking a little bag to each of our co-workers (sorry Bruce!)

Bill started grilling dinner and extra for another night and the wind blew the flame out.  He got our burgers done!  My neighbor gave me a dish of pinto beans that I had part of along with deviled eggs, slaw and Bill had the rest of the potato salad.  After he did up the HUGE pile of dishes from the baking and 3 meals today, we each had a huckleberry ice cream bar.

Then it was time to sit down and get caught up on this blog!

1 comment:

  1. That grocery description sounds like places we went to in Copenhagen and Bergen.
