Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23 
 It did some major raining last night.  It sounded at times like we were in a tin can.  Guess it eventually died off as it was not terribly wet out this morning, just cooler.  Sun came and went most of the day.  We sat around waiting to hear from Doug.  Bill read and I went through the various literature we picked up along the turnpike to see where I want to try and visit while we’re here.  We aren’t sure what time off we get or how it all works so I just highlighted all of the locations on the map and made a list.  Bill says we won’t get to them all but we’ll see.  There are several lighthouses I want to visit along with a fort, the falls, Corning Glass, 2 Indian reservations and the Erie Canal locks.  Then there’s a wine country tour, well actually there are 3 in this area of NY but one looks a bit easier to do with some of the other places on my list.  Wineries will be last on the list though.
While I was going through the literature I spotted our first deer from our kitchen table.  There’s a huge mowed field and behind it a bigger unmowed field and there it was.
Pedestrian bridge across canal of the lake
After lunch we took a bike ride, planning to visit the other loop and see how many campers they had and then go down to the lake and take some photos.  We saw the other camp host couple and introduced ourselves and they invited us to come sit so we did.  They winter in Crystal River and are full timers.  They used to live in here in Alden and sold their house to their son and come back here for the summer.  They do 2 weeks in this park then 2 weeks out and back and forth until it’s time to head back south.  This is not where I’d want to spent so many 2 week sessions, but they do it to see their children and grandchildren.  They told us we don’t really do anything as hosts.  Just greet the campers and let them know to let us know if they need anything or have any problems.  Still have not seen Doug.
Beach across the lake
It started getting pretty windy and chilly so we left and rode to the lake and it started to rain.  Of course by the time we got back to the RV it stopped and 10 minutes later the sun came out.
Then the Direct TV went out.  I reset it and waited and checked the connections and waited and then just started over on the Menu setup and boom, it came right back on.  It worked fine this morning so we don’t understand but there seems to be a lot of atmospheric issues here as the wind just stops and starts.
Just before dinner a park ranger, Joe, stopped by to let us know Doug would come by to see us in the morning.  Then maybe we can start making some plans.  We know we can’t really be gone on the weekends and that’s fine but we can go to the store or laundry if we need to.
After dinner we made a trip to the bath house and boy, it’s cooling down.  It’s 58 out now and it’s just 8 so will be a cool night.  Time to post and relax with some TV and crocheting.

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