Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18 – We were both exhausted and slept really well last night. Managed to hit the road by 8:30 but didn't make as good of time as we had hoped. We drove through the rest of South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and into West Virginia via I-95, I-26 then I-77. The scenery for the most part was lush verdant trees and the medians were often filled with colorful wildflowers. We hit the mountains a bit, but nothing like the ones out west. The fog though was terrible for quite a while and it slowed us down as did some bouts of rain. Then into Virginia we broke clear but it was never really hot out.

Our other delays included issues getting into and out of fuel stops, an extra stop to turn our propane on for the fridge. You are supposed to turn it off when you fuel and this was the first time Bill forgot to turn it back on. The fridge only performs so well under the best of circumstances so without propane for a couple of hours it cools down in a hurry. We didn't do bad with our breaks but it would be better if we could have at least one break at fueling time.

Tonight we are in Camp Creek State Park in West Virginia. We were beginning to think we were heading into a “deliverance”area as we drove down a smaller and smaller paved road, but it's a really nice small park down in a valley. There are only 26 sites and all are nicely paved, but only 7 have electric and water and there are no sewers. We're good on that until we leave Ohio for NY in a couple of days. The challenge was me getting into our space. The space was plenty long but only about 12-14 feet wide and the RV is 8 feet. Also the road to back in off of is also narrow, one way, curvy with a 2 foot drop off on the passenger side. Geez! But I prevailed and didn't get flustered but Bill had me circle around 2 extra times to get close enough on the left side and with many wiggles and jiggles back and forth without going over the edge, WE MADE IT! This was the most difficult one so far. I just needed the space to be wider or the road to be wider.

There is a no alcohol rule, but those that know me know I sometimes bend the rules just a bit. I used a juice glass with some Chocovine, so if a ranger drove up it looked like I was drinking chocolate milk. We sat out at our picnic table once we got settled in and had a snack and beverage and checked out the people, the birds and then we walked it all to see what we missed by not being backed in along the river side.

I made homemade mini pizzas with garbonzo bean flour and salads since we didn't get to go out for “Date Night”. We did buy a Powerball Lottery ticket so if that wins, we'll have plenty of date nights!

No internet here and being down in the valley there is no phone service so no email or hotspot. Will have to catch up tomorrow.

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