Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4 - Disappointing 4TH

Happy Birthday America!  It was a rather lazy day for us.  We didn’t get up til about 9 and it was so nice.  I made a nice breakfast and we did some chores and watched old patriotic movies on TV.  After lunch we were getting antsy so we drove in to McDonald’s so Bill could do some email as he can only do what he can get on his phone.  We each enjoyed a mocha frappe while we worked.

We took Xena for a nice walk and checked the clearing on the other side of the woods from the back of our RV for the missing flip flop, but no luck.  I did scare up the fawn, well, I think she scared me as much as I scared her and boy did she run.  Dinner was pretty much ready since I had made the potato salad.  Bill grilled some burgers and brats and some zucchini and I nuked 2 ears of corn and sliced up some tomato.

Once we let the food settle a bit, we biked for 3 miles and counted deer.  Only 23 tonight.  We watched some TV til it was time to drive up to the bridge for the fireworks.  We did manage to get there before they started.  Actually we could see 5 –6  places from River St in Savannah to south of there where there were fireworks going off.  Although we were pretty far away, we could see all kinds but the ones on River Street were the best, especially the finale.  Bill called Carole and checked in while we watched and then I talked to her for a while.

Nothing of interest was on TV so we both read til bedtime, oh, that was after we had a piece of the homemade peach pie I made.  Bill said some whipped cream or ice cream was the only way it would have been better.

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