Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 12 - Shopping, Lunch and a Movie

Our last day off. Since I was having the dental issues we didn’t really plan much in the name of tourism. So once we had breakfast and showered, we headed into Savannah to do some errands and see a movie. We stopped at the post office, JoAnn’s, Pet Supermarket, then we headed back to the side of town where we go to the movies and had lunch at Wendy’s.

The movie selection today was “Larry Crowne” which was a nice comedy with some real acting and a nice story line. Staples is next door so I got some things I’d seen in the ad on Sunday and we headed towards the islands. I have wanted to visit the Savannah Bee Company as I’ve seen some of their products in various shops and knew the factory and a showroom were on Wilmington Island. We stopped by and I picked up a few gift items to take home. Then we headed for the fort.

Today's big ship
On the way home we spotted a big boat that would soon be passing our campsite, so Bill let me off at the administration office to see if our mail came and I could get a better spot to take some photos and video of the boat. The admin office was closed at 4:15 and that ticked me off. They are supposed to be open til 5. I only had the still camera to use so hope the video turns out OK.

The plan was a quick dinner and go to the library to use the internet. I made some tacos with ground chicken and they were pretty good. We left about 6:30 for the library and each used one of their computers so we could print things. Then I set up our laptop to try the demo CD that came with Bill’s phone. We don’t understand providing a CD that has to have an internet connection to work. Duh! I ended up downloading the manual to a flash drive so Bill can look up stuff at home.

When we got bad to the park, traffic was backed up at the gate. Normally once the park closes an arm gate is put down and we use a key pad to get it to lift. Well, Eric our neighbor and a guy from the pilot house were stuck outside as were we. Someone had closed the swing gate and used combination locks on it. The pilot guy knew the combo but said he could not get it open. We tried calling Ron, our supervisor but he didn’t answer. Then I drove to the entrance booth and looked for a combo or info on who to contact. I called the Tybee police to see if they knew who to contact. Once I got outside I could see Bill walking in my direction and drove up and could see the other trucks going through the gate. Bill said one of the bar pilots on the other side said the combo was correct on the locks and then Bill and the guy stuck a t-shirt through the locks and pulled them open. They had been rusted shut. So we all got to go home but Bill was ticked that someone in the park locked that gate. He’s going to talk to Ron about it in the morning.

As we pulled into our spot a guy from the coast guard called. I guess he got called from the Tybee police and was going to come to our aide. I told him how we got back in and all was well. We finished off the peach crisp and Bill did dishes as I journalled and we watched some TV.

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