Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 22 - Counting Down the Days

It was a busy morning at the entrance station. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are always the busiest days. A couple that had been kayaking gave me a conch shell they found. She said they found a bunch. It will be a nice souvenir. At lunch time we took jugs of water back and put them in the RV. I saw the water guy come in the park with a big pipe so knew they were working on the water problem. We saw the equipment set up near the picnic area and it looked like they were on lunch break.

When we got back to the VC, one of the guys was there and said they finished the plumbing part and were waiting for the pressure to build up before turning it back on. He said it would definitely be back up by the time we got off at 5:30. Patty got back from her trip to England and brought us a jar of black current preserves. We were really surprised. She was in a good mood all day. It won’t last long.

After work we went ahead and put the water we brought in the tank so if we need it at some future point we’ll have it. Then I made chicken with a plum sauce. One of the summer rangers gave me a jar of plum jam she made so I took 2 fresh plums and sautéed them in a bit of butter til they were tender and then stirred in a couple spoons of the jam and cooked it down to a nice sauce and served it over the chicken. I made broccoli and browned a can of whole potatoes in butter. Bill really liked the chicken and ate the remainder of the sauce with a spoon. Then while he did the dishes I walked Xena so he could vacuum the truck while I straightened up and did a load of wash since The Bostons are coming tomorrow and I won't have so much time over the weekend to do laundry.

When our chores were done we had some peach and plum cobbler while watching some ancient black and white westerns. They were even before Bill was born and I never heard of the actors. Then time for some reading before bedtime.

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