Saturday, September 25, 2010

September 25 Curses, Foiled Again!

Things did not start off well. Bill got up to walk Xena and saw that one of the truck tires was totally flat. Not good! He called AAA and they said it would be at least an hour to get some out. He went ahead and pumped it with our pump and it looked like it held but still could have a slow leak. While waiting I made oatmeal pancakes with diced fresh peaches on top for breakfast. Once he changed the tire to our spare we made some calls to find some place to check the tire and repair it or to put the spare on the real rim. 2 places said it was at least a 4 hours wait. Most of the tire places here are not open on Saturday which seems odd to us. I called a Walmart that said there was no line so we hurried up and all the way to the other side of Branson and then some to West Branson. When we arrived she said the wait was 2 hours and when we questioned her regarding our conversation we learned that there are 2 Walmarts on the same road and the other one is half as far and was the one I had called. Since we were there we went ahead. I took my time perusing the aisles and picking up the few items we needed anyway, called and chatted with Karen for a long time and still had another hour to wait. The good news is they found nothing wrong with the tire so it was put back on and didn’t charge us anything for it. The bad news is we don’t know why the tire went flat as they sensor was on it and takes a special tool to remove it so it doesn’t seem possible to have been tampered with. Bill is concerned that something is wrong with the sensor and he just mailed one in to be replaced yesterday.

By now it was well after noon as we drove back through Branson and our plans for the day were pretty much spoiled so Bill asked what I wanted to do. I said I’d like to go to the Mount Pleasant Winery but I needed to eat first. We stopped at The Uptown CafĂ© that was near the winery and both had a burger and fries. The burgers are like the ones at Steak and Shake. The fries were the skinny ones that are almost crispy. Yummy! I never get fries but the choice was fries or chips. Anyway I tasted 5 wines and left with 4 bottles in case we don’t cross another winery for a while. I finished a bottle of German white tonight so can try a new one tomorrow.

Back at the ranch I did wash and printed some photos for postcards while Bill washed the truck rims and of course we walked Xena. Then Bill did the dishes and I tried skyping with Karen. She could hear and see me and I could see her but couldn’t hear her so once David gets that remedied we will try again.

I didn’t take anything out for dinner and Bill had mentioned he’d like to go out for our regular Saturday night dinner. I chose Chilis. I checked some reviews on the local places and didn’t read anything that impressed me that I wanted to pay for. I was hungry for a big salad type meal and knew I could get one there. I tried the Asian Salad with grilled chicken, I think Karen told me it was good, but it was kinda swimming in an oily dressing and the lettuce was getting soggy so think next time I’ll go back to my Caribbean salad.

After a bit of TV back in the RV, I heated up bowls of the peach crisp I made yesterday. Had planned to have fresh whipped cream on it, but it appears the cream froze in the canister. It was still really good though!

Well we’re hoping for a better tomorrow so we can go back to AK to the Buffalo River.

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