Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19 Nothing Special

Today is barely worth writing about. The highlight was the storm that started about 2:45 AM and woke us. No wind, but the rain but it just poured. Lucky us, no leaks in the RV that we know of. Had our regular Sunday breakfast, bacon, toast, fruit and soft boiled eggs for Bill. The rain didn’t let up until after lunch so we took the opportunity to put away our “décor” and chairs and Bill took Xena for a short walk.

Mostly watched TV and read but Bill did vacuum the RV and I cleaned all the wood in the bedroom and bath and then Bill did the living room. Like a house, you still have to clean. We changed the sheets and all that the other day and I am now caught up on the laundry.

We had planned to go to the Mark Twain Birthplace which is about 15 miles from here but don’t really want to venture out into the ugly day. Still trying to get more organized in here and somewhat ready to pull out tomorrow. Made chicken enchiladas, refried beans and salad for dinner. Bill was happy once again to have one of his favorite meals. Even have enough for another night, that makes me happy.

A day of driving tomorrow, with no driver license, best be careful!

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