Sunday, May 22, 2016

The most boring day so far!

May 22 – We woke to early morning rain – surprise, surprise!  I got up at 7:30 and rousted Bill at 8:30.  I made our normal Sunday breakfast with pumpkin spice pancakes as the starch of choice today.  We settled into a gloomy day again.  I put a load of laundry in and we read for a while.
My birdfeeders
To our surprise Natalie came by around 10:30!  Apparently Eastern National is not be best run company as they “thought” the money from the end of the season last year was left in the safe in the VC.  No, it was not and to get more money is has to be “mailed” from Ashboro, VA.  Then due to the training lady’s schedule they won’t train and open until Friday!  Had we known we’d be sitting here for a week and a half we’d have stayed in Florida another week or so!
We literally never went outside all day.  The rain just made it so depressing.  We both read a lot and I did some crocheting.  I ordered crutch covers for Bill.  Such a boring day!

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