Monday, September 1, 2014

Our last day at Charlie Brown Campground!

September 1 - It was sad to go to work today knowing it was our last day.  They were nice to let us have the early shift so we could get things packed up after work.  We thought it was going to rain but had not by the time we left at 1:30.  Steve let us leave a little early, so that was even better.  We have really enjoyed our time here, not just seeing all we could see in a 4 state area, but we met a lot of nice people in the campground and Steve, Pam and their son Chris were great to work for and with.  We’ve invited Pam and Steve to Florida in December to stay in our apartment and Barbara and Ron said they will come up from Venice, so that will be awesome! 

Bill was started on the breaking down process when I got home.  It took us about 90 minutes to put everything away outside and put the hitch and bikes on the car and pack the back of the car.  Whew!  And it hot out, maybe the hottest day we’ve had here. 

I put a peach crisp in the toaster oven for us on the road and made a peach jello pie to have with Polly in Maine tomorrow night and for her to have to take home.  I put more stuff away and later Bill grilled 3 kinds of meat for our Labor Day feast.  We had corn on the cob, Waldorf salad, broccoli salad and potato salad.  There should be enough leftovers for 2 more meals on the road.  Our friends Ron and Barbara picked us up at 7 for a trip for ice cream.  We will miss them the most!  We just hit it off immediately and have truly enjoyed spending our summer with them.  We plan to continue our friendship back in Florida!

So tomorrow we start a new adventure as we wind our way through Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania and into Ohio.  We need to camp in the first 3 to cross them off our list and will go to Ohio for Bill’s reunion with his high school.  From there is the long drive to Florida to our September campout and then home.  Gee, where did the summer go?  I think aging makes it go faster!

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