Friday, August 5, 2016

Drive to Maumee - Visiting Places

August 5 - Bill kept kicking me during the night so I ended up on the couch.  I think he took one of his pills too late.

We had our leftover scones, fruit and some bacon and then I put things away and got ready to head on to Maumee.  Well, actually we’re staying in Whitehouse, OH.  The couple with the mix up of spaces stopped and talked to me a while about some other strange issues they are having with the park.  Too bad for them that this is the closest park to Cleveland where their daughter and grandchildren live.  They are scheduled to be here a month and didn’t know there’s no sewer hook up.  Not good.  They went to dump already this morning and once we pull out they will move to our spot and then they’re taking their grandkids to a water park.  Sounds like fun on a hot day!

We left at 10 so the worst of the Turnpike traffic was done.  We did hit a nasty patch of rain at we approached the Toledo-Maumee area.  Luckily for us it passed on over before we stopped.  We decided to get off one exit early to fuel up the RV for the next round since we were arriving about 1. 

We have a nice pull through with full hook up at Twin Acres Campground.  We stayed here 2 years ago and had a good experience so no reason to make a change unless they were too full for us.  We parked and unhooked the car and I hooked up the water, electric and sewer and went ahead and dumped since we had no sewer for the last 2 days.  Then we had some lunch and prepared to head out again in the car.  We were heading to Toledo to the Toledo Harbor Lighthouse.  I gathered up my address info and my Lighthouse Passport book and went to get the camera and it was no where in the RV. I check the car and no camera.  Crap, crap, crap!  I knew I had it at the marina and in the restaurant and then I took it when I stopped in the gift shop and since we only went to Wal-mart I knew I hadn’t taken it in there.  So we called the Jackalope and he had it.  I wanted someone to Priority Mail it at my expense to my cousin that we will visit once we leave here but he said he couldn’t do it today and had no one he could send.  So when we leave here Sunday we will head back there and get it and then go south from there.  I was VERY upset with myself.  I know it was sitting right on the counter when I paid for my one little postcard and she didn’t notice and obviously I didn’t.  Lesson learned!

Famous Tony Packo's
We had some trouble locating a good spot to see the lighthouse from and found it is 10 miles off the shore of the Maumee Bay. The Maumee State Park is the best location so we went there and I had to walk out to the marina at the Lodge and put .50 in the viewer to see it.  Now I can send a SASE to the lighthouse’s association and they will send me a stamp for my book.

We drove around the campground at the park and they have a really nice park with lots of privacy between spaces but they are all electric only, so that would only work for us for a couple of days.  Then we headed back in to Toledo for dinner.

We went to Tony Packo’s.  It’s been around for
Donald Trump Bun!
years and years.  Bill brought me here once 20 years ago and we just had their famous hotdogs.  They call them Hungarian Hotdogs but I think in reality it was only a gimmick as they didn’t really have them in Hungary.  They have had lots of famous people visit as it was always talked about on M.A.S.H. by Corporal Klinger who was always wanting to go home to Toledo.  Jamie Farr, Klinger, was from Toledo and they wrote it into the TV show.  When a famous person eats there they have them sign a hotdog bun and there are literally hundreds of signed buns in cases on the walls.  They had local celebrities as well as several Presidents, First Ladies, movie and TV stars, athletes, news stars.  We didn’t get to read them all but the very first one was Burt Reynolds and so it began.  Bill had the hot dogs but I had Hungarian dumplings with paprika chicken.  It was very good and filling!

On the way back to the campground we stopped at a Meijer store.  It’s like a Wal-mart or Target, but they carry some of the better name brands and the store is larger.  We didn’t really find what we were looking for as they didn’t have any bargains like they did 2 years ago!  So we headed back to the RV for some rest and relaxation!

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