Wednesday, May 20, 2015

On the way to Alabama

May 20 – Once again we did not get an early start!  Nothing new.  After a fairly quick breakfast Bill put extra water in our tank and unhooked the cable while I did up our few dishes and secured everything for the day.  We planned to stop at the Tallahassee Camping World to see if by chance they carried the parts to repair the propane door. 

We stopped at Flying J and fueled up at the same exit as the Camping World but no luck on the part.  It will have to be ordered, so we will wait and order it from Little Rock.  So there were 2 stops already.  Bill didn’t sleep well last night so we stopped and changed drivers, stop number 3.  Since we were out of lunch meat we got lucky in Dothan, AL that the Wendy’s was in the same lot as a Sam’s Club and we could park while Bill got our lunch and we ate.  Stop number 4.

We stopped south of Birmingham for a potty stop and changed drivers again, stop number 5.  At our final exit stop number 6 was to fuel up for tomorrow and then we parked for the night at Wal-mart in Jasper, AL.  No wonder it took so long today with all the stops.  It was clouding up so we turned on the generator and AC and hurried in to get our few items.  Of course we were not quite quick enough and it poured.  We only waited a couple of minutes and made a dash, well, for older people it was a dash, across the parking lot as far as possible to our RV.

Wal-mart in the background
We were in such a hurry that I hadn’t even put the slides out.  As I put out the big one I heard a crunching noise, uh oh, but quickly realized it was ONLY my alarm clock that had fallen off the night stand.  Needless to say, its life was over.  It was rather “alarming”.  Bill found the missing ring and was ever so pleased.

We had leftover chicken and the delicious risotto that my nephew Harry made for me and plain old sliced tomatoes for dinner.  Then I went back to Wal-mart and bought a new alarm clock.  We got showers and I made a quick dessert with dessert cups I made with lemon filling and fresh blueberries.  The only thing missing was the whipped cream.

Time to get some paperwork done, journal and read.


  1. Hope things are going better for you guys. We didn't get to leave as early as we wanted to either due to my teeth. What is it about getting older. We went to Hannah's graduation, where does the time go. Had such a nice time with the girls, and Tim and Kelley made it also so it was a busy time. We left there and went 1 hr away and our staying on the beautiful Dale Hollow lake dam Tn, campground is Lilly dale lake, you would love it, it is a Corp of Engineers (no sewers, but we can make it about a week without dumping) They are so nice and there's not a bad spot in the whole camp. We leave for Obey river campground, a hole 15 miles away but want to see the other end of the dam and want to use my Tn license since I paid for it, hahah!!! Take care and talk to you soon

    1. So good to hear from you. Glad you finally got on the road and enjoyed the graduation. Sounds like a nice place and I hope you catch some fish. There is a free fishing weekend in June here so that's when we will give it a try.

      How long will you be gone? Keep in touch.

    2. So good to hear from you. Glad you finally got on the road and enjoyed the graduation. Sounds like a nice place and I hope you catch some fish. There is a free fishing weekend in June here so that's when we will give it a try.

      How long will you be gone? Keep in touch.
