Thursday, August 4, 2011

July 29 & 30 - Time is Running Out

July 29 – It was my last day in the entrance station. I did all of the blogs through yesterday and some email so won’t be finishing the trip blog until I get home on Monday. The morning went pretty fast and it has gotten really hot again so it was not fun facing the sun in the booth all morning. The afternoon in the VC was pretty slow. There were 4 of us on duty until 3, then Patty left for the day and the other volunteer left. Bill and I were on our own until our quitting time. Joel came up from the fort until closing time. Nothing exciting went on so I read a while then tidied up the bookstore, then read, then tidied up the break room. I don’t think anyone does any cleaning there if the job isn’t specifically assigned to them. Wonder how clean their homes are?

Before making dinner I put a pineapple cake in the oven for the rangers. I also made a new cookie dough as Bill wanted something to take Reiter and Jennifer at breakfast tomorrow since they won’t be coming to the fort. Then I made pork chops for dinner with some sautéed apples and we finished the waldorf salad and had the rest of the fresh green beans. After dinner I baked the cookies, frosted the cake, did a load of wash and then we took up our outdoor carpet and put it over the truck bed to dry out.

Then I got my shower and reset the alarm for EARLY tomorrow. At least I don’t have to fix breakfast!

July 30 – D-Day! We got up extra early to have breakfast with Reiter and Megan. Jennifer was ill and was not able to make it. We had a nice time and Reiter and Megan appreciated the cookies I took them. Reiter took a picture of us and is supposed to email it and one he took in the VC the other day.

Everyone enjoyed the pineapple cake today. It was a long day as I didn’t have much to do until after 11 since the bookstore was being inventoried and by the time they got it done and ready to open up it was later than expected. We didn’t really say our good byes to anyone but Megan today. She left at 4 and will be gone for 2 weeks, so we invited her to Florida anytime. She’s such a nice person. She and her boyfriend are going to Colorado for a week and she is working at her other job for a week and then will go to 1 day a week at Ft Pulaski until at least after Labor Day. We have to go in on Sunday to turn in our volunteer shirts and badges so we will say good bye to the people we missed then. So today wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be with the good-byes. We also want to make a few last purchases at the bookstore as they have some new inventory in that we might be interested in.

It slowed down a lot by 4:30 so Patty let us leave at 5, so that was nice. She apologized that she didn’t get to have a little going away for us as Ron had possession of the Kroger card they use to buy food for these types of things. We told her it was fine, I had taken in a cake so that was enough.

We managed to get our outdoor carpet cleaned and put away along with the grill and a few other items tonight. Then I fixed hamburgers, roasted butternut squash and salads for dinner. We watched an episode of NCIS while the laundry washed and then put it in the dryer on the way out to walk Xena. I made my last deposit in the recycle bins and stopped at the VIP room and got my fridge and freezer items out and brought back. The fridge is really getting empty.

Bill cleaned the kitchen and I cleaned up the computer desk in preparation to pack up the laptops. There’s quite a bit to get ready tomorrow before heading into Savannah one last time.

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